By Robert Cato
On Saturday night March 11, 2006 at approximately 10pm a massive fire of suspicious origin consumed the historic Shupe-Williams Candy Factory Building (SWCFB) located at 26th St. and Wall Avenue. The building was built in 1905. Flames, sometimes shooting 100 feet in the air, could be seen all over the Ogden area.
According to the Ogden Fire Department, a small fire was discovered in the basement area. Residents of St. Ann’s Shelter had alerted authorities about the fire. First responders gained access to the building and searched the entire structure for any possible trespassers. By the time they completed their search the building was becoming fully engulfed by flames. The under staffed and poorly paid Ogden City Fire Department Professionals attempted to fight the fire following standard large structures fire policies. However, due to the amazingly rapid spread of the fire, it quickly became apparent that no amount of firefighters and equipment could halt the fire. Jessie Garcia, as Acting Mayor, (Godfrey is conveniently in London, England) instructed OCFD Command to do the only thing they could do, just let it burn itself out.
The Ogden City Fire Department, who Mayor Godfrey refuses to fully staff, then began to try and prevent other buildings in the area from spontaneous combustion. Un-manned fire hoses were set in strategic locations to spray water on the Laundry Building at Union Station and on business structures on the east side of wall avenue at 26th Street. Some rolling stock belonging to the Union Station Foundation stored at the back of the SWCFB was destroyed.
The fire is of suspicious origin because the building was not currently in use. Had no electrical wiring, as someone stole it all in December, and the fire spread so quickly. This was a commercial structure built at a time when fire suppression systems were rare. For a fire to have engulfed the entire building that quickly, fire enhancement materials were most likely used. I can guarantee you that His Majesty will have his road dogs spin this as a “I told you the building wasn’t safe” presentation.
Hundreds of onlookers were drawn to the fire which was visible from Layton to North Ogden. Despite the best efforts of the OCPD gridlock ensued on the surrounding streets. Reserve Officers were called out to assist in crowd control. Spectators were kept a full block away to prevent possible injuries by flying debris. As various parts of the structure collapsed great plumes of sparks and ash soared into the air. Some small brush fires in the Union Pacific Rail Yards were quickly extinguished. By 11:30 pm exterior walls began to fall into the streets and city crews with wrecking equipment began to prepare to pull the rest of the structure down as soon as it cooled enough for them to do so.
A proposal by a group of volunteers to create a museum for the Ogden - Weber County area has been trying for four months to convince the Lord High Mayor and the new city council to allow them to accept responsibility for the SWCFB. While the City Council/RDA Board members have expressed their support for that proposal, our Little King has refused to seriously consider the idea. Our short sighted leader has wanted the building torn down so he could give the land away to one of his co-whore-ts for next to nothing. He had an offer and really wanted to let a movie company burn the building to the ground in exchange for $300K. While the cameras were not visible don’t be surprised to see this fire at a move theater not near you (Larry Miller still has not signed on to the “Junk-son” deal yet).
The SWCFB which has been vacant now for a number of years. The location of the building, next to Union Station and in the immediate area of Historic 25th Street, would have been a perfect location for a museum. The SWCFB was the subject of many disputed facts about current structural problems. The Emperor of Ogden and Protector of vacant lots claimed building was not worth saving and wanted to see it torn down so the land could be used for a parking lot. In fact a structural survey done in November of 2005 by Donald Hartley, a Historical Architect with The State Of Utah Department of Community and Culture, Division of State History / Utah State Historical Society, stated that the building was structurally sound, could be restored and was of significant enough historical importance that it should have been saved. Of course Godfery’s Goons insisted it was about to collapse and wasn’t worth saving.
The SWCFB was listed on the National Register of Historic Places, although not on the "local historic register."
Ed. Note: Councilman Bill Glasmann has graciously transmitted to us a series of photos documenting the intensity of last night's fire. They are available for viewing here.
Our regular readers will recall that Mr. Cato also authored an earlier article here, on the subject of the now moot Shupe-Williams museum conversion proposal.
Update 3/13/06 9:35 a.m MT: The Standard-Examiner has a followup piece this morning, highlighting the "laments" of the museum proponents, Ogden-Weber Museum Inc.
And this Std-Ex companion story reports on the fire's aftermath, and fills in telling details of the events just prior to the conflagration:
If all the locks were secure and there were no signs of forced entry 40 minutes before the second alarm, this would seemingly reduce the likelihood that the fire was a result of a transient break-in.Ogden police had responded to a call of suspicious activity at the building about 40 minutes before the fire, Owens said.
Tarran said Ogden police met an Ogden City property maintenance manager at the building because an alarm had sounded in the building.
He said officers and the city employee walked around the building and checked that all entrances were secure.
The plot sickens.
Comments, gentle readers?
Well Rudi, what or who do you suppose caused the fire?
I have a hard time believing that the City would sink so low as to burn down a historic site just so that it wouldn't have to fight the wishes of those wanting to make the building a museum.
But then again, maybe I'm just naive.
The word had been out for a while that the City was going to demolish the building which would have cost several hundred thousands of dollars.
Is it just fortuitous that it burned at this particular time????
What a tragedy. I was so hoping the museum would be housed there.
Bill Glassman has my thanx for those awesome pictures!
It DOES appear suspicious, and I hope the fire/arson investigators can find enuf evidence to amke a determination. Of course, is it possible that meth was being cooked in there?
Robert Cato: what a great article...kudos to you. Too bad the SE doesn't have a staff writer of your ilk.
Kudos to our understaffed/underpaid firefighters. They deserve a raise and some more firefighters added to their ranks. Get rid of the city lobbyist, Stuart Reid and PAY these brave public servants!
Were all the Godfreyite's accounted for last night?
It shouldn't be too difficult, there are only twelve of them. It only seems that there are more. They do it with smoke and mirrors! Sorta like they do with city government.
Perhaps it is a coincidence, but it seems like I remember a number of years back some punk in Harrisville known as Pyro Matt?
And speaking of Matt, not that I was, but does any one know for sure that he really is in London. And if he is, is it on the tax payer's dime? And is his biker buddy Stu with him?
So many questions, so few answers. Vintage Matt.
Robert Cato,
What a spin-doctor. Other than your dissertation was full of assumptions and half truths it was very informative. However, wouldn't you think that since it is winter and the fact that the fire was reported by residents of St. Ann’s Shelter that more than likely it was transients trying to keep warm next to a fire in that they don’t let everyone in the shelter?
In that you indicate that "no amount of firefighters and equipment could halt the fire", that "the under staffed and poorly paid Ogden City Fire Department Professionals" had absolutely nothing to do with the fire spreading. Wouldn't the rapid spread have more to do with the fact that the building was over 100 years old and made of dry oil treated lumber and an accident waiting to happen?
"Jessie Garcia, as Acting Mayor, (Godfrey is conveniently in London, England) instructed OCFD Command to do the only thing they could do, just let it burn itself out".
Convenient to what? Did he go to London to avoid being implicated. How ridiculous. If Mayor Godfrey were in Ogden would it have mattered, absolutely not. Too bad he didn't take the $300K since now he can give the property away to his buddy. I hope his buddy doesn't want to develop the ground with a hospital. As for Jesse Garcia, he has no knowledge of the appropriate way to fight a fire and was following the recommendation of the fire professionals on the ground. Letting a building such as this burn if there is no threat to surrounding property is a common practice. I can hear it now Garcia for Mayor, he saved Ogden from burning down. Bill Glassman for Mayor, he takes great photos.
"The Ogden City Fire Department, who Mayor Godfrey refuses to fully staff, then began to try and prevent other buildings in the area from spontaneous combustion".
Staffing has absolutely nothing to do with those from the three fire departments at the scene of placing unmanned hoses to spray water to keep surrounding areas cool. The fact of the matter being, this is just another standard practice. Did you want them to stand and hold the hoses for hours?
"Fire enhanced materials" The whole damn building was fire-enhanced materials.
"I can guarantee you that His Majesty will have his road dogs spin this as a “I told you the building wasn’t safe” presentation."
In speaking with a local architect this week who had recently toured the facility at our request to see if it would be worth us contributing to its rennovation indicated that “due to its age and condition that whoever tried to renovate it that they would have to build a building inside the existing structure and bolt it to the exterior walls just to keep the walls from falling down and to keep it’s historical and architectural value”. “All of the interior wooden structure would have to be retrofitted with steel beams to keep the floors from falling in. It is nothing more than a money pit and if converted to a museum will be a financial failure. Just look next door." I could go on and on but quite frankly, this nonsense is wearing me out.
Robert Cato, I have a new name for you, how about Werling Dervish the mystical writer who stands between the material and cosmic worlds. Go back to school and take a journalism class.
hey, lum
which Geiger are you?
Why don't you Godfreyite ski bums with your delusions of Ogden being another Park City, go back to that boring, inferior "good in Ogden" site?
"At our request"....you had an 'expert' in to look over the building? Remember, an ex is a has been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure.
Asking Dear Abner (Abby) For Advice
I live in a town with people who can't read. They read articles and postings to blog sites and for some reason new words magically appear like "expert." Plleeaasse, Dear Abby help us before it is too late, they also want to change everyones name who doesn't have an inferiority complex to Geiger and make them become ski bums and I hate skiing. Please help these people quit spinning before they get even dizzier. They even want me to look at another site called "Good in Ogden" which I find less entertaining and the last thing I want to do is find anything good about my home town.
VOTE Garcia for Mayor. He needs a another job at the tax payers expense. Can you say Entitlement Programs?
The sun is shining on the beautiful snow packed mountains in dear old Ogden. It's going to be a great day!! Off to the Troc for coffee.
Lum "AKA Geiger"
Beautiful powder day and lum is "off to the Troc for coffee?"
Oh well. That just means one less ski bunny tracking up the nice new powder snow this morning, I guess.
Deja vu of when the Golden Spike Arena in West Ogden burned to the ground. I thought the museum idea was excellent and hope there is still a chance - The Rio Grande Building on 24th between Wall and Lincoln is a great building and maybe the next possibility for an Ogden Museum. Having considered buying it at one time for a business venture I must say it is also a haven for transients who have no qualms about setting fires to keep warm. I know that idea isn't as "cool" and "sexy" as a good conspiracy theory but I find it much more plausible in the cause of the Shupe-Williams fire.
Jokes aside,
I think your analysis of Cato's diatribe is well done and accurate.
I have a lot of experience and background in historical building restoration, and it is my opinion that this one would have been an enormous and expensive project
I am sad to see it go. However it did have a glorius Viking farewell.
Jessie Garcia or Bill Glasmann for mayor? Either one sounds good to me.
There is no one - NO ONE - who dislikes the mayor more than I BUT - there are some pretty serious accusations and /or inuendos being put forth here. In my opinion, we would all be wise to temper our remarks. It is my understanding that, had the museum folks gotten access to this building, they would have been required to surround it with a fence and otherwise secure it (boarded windows, etc). My question is, why was the city not required to do this themselves??
As a side note, it the mayor in London on OUR dime or his?
Thank you armysarge - one of the few logical voices.
To all y'all that hate the mayor - conveniently he was out of town - so I guess his hands are clean, but what about the rest?
Marvel Comics is already scrambling for movie rights to Ogden's Fire Bug - mild mannered city councilperson by day, crazed abandoned building vigilanty by night. Get real.
I'm sure the city would love to secure ALL of the abandoned buildings that are not safe, but alas, with no businesses pouring their tax dollars into our coffers, and any hopes of new businesses being run off, we (saying we as a tax payer and thereby major supporter of city funds)don't have enough money to secure every empty building. Where would we start? And why should we secure an abandoned building when there are so many other pressing issues?
Any of you looked at the sidewalks, roads, schools in our town lately?
Let's all just get our priorities straight. If Godfrey was spending money to secure empty buildings you can be sure all of you would have your two cents to throw in about what a waste of our taxes.
Godfrey for mayor - his slogan can be Damned if I do - Damned if I don't....but still doin' it
How much do you figure it would cost for a fence around that building and a few boards in the windows (IF necessary)? I think you missed my point. If a group who proposed using the building was REQUIRED to fulfil these requirements, then why not the city as well? I seems to me that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Wasn't Cato the guy always attacking Inspector Cluso in the Pink Panther movies?
Maybe we could just get him to jump out of hiding and physically attack the mayor on several occasions. Matt v Cato hmmm, Channel 17 pay-per-view. That'd put Ogden on the map.
Ahhhh, Revenge of.....What a money maker!
Cato jumping out of cupboards, and from behind doors...even the l'll mayor's BIG chair...how brilliant of you!
And all on Ch 17..pay-for-view!
Finally, a business/entertainment plan that doesn't depend on the elusive Mr. Miller.
Revenge of the Pink Panther- here's another idea for a pay per view Channel 17 venture: Ogden could revive the lost art of midget/dwarf tossing- that would be 'propelling persons of restricted growth' for you politically correct WCForumites.
I'm sure there's no shortage of contestants willing to try to toss PeeWee back to Harrisville.
Don't sound like you don't like skiing..just probably not too good at it, I hear.
Jest cuz my mama made me wear them long dresses when I wuz a young'n...and din't have my curls sheared off til I wuz sent to the one-room schoolhouse, ain't no reason for you to insult my manhood.....
If'n you and yer townie friends cain't read, why do you get on this blog? Fer the purty pictures?
Better have another mug of java, if'n yer old enough to know whut that means.
I seen pictures of that big wreckin' ball knockin' down the burned building, and I wuz wonderin'.....if'n thar wuz evydence of a set far in thar....is it destoyed now? That shur wuz fast!
Let's try again... You're a retard!
OK, anonymous. I'm going to let your highly cerebral post stand this time, and not be deleted...
As a testament to the "quality" of the "dumbass kids" who criticize Weber County Forum,...
AND her gentle readers, who are actual mature adults.
Now scram, sonny; yer momma's callin' ya's. She's gonna be pissed to hear you've been playin' on her computer again, I'm betting.
Here he is, folks, the core of the Godfrey constituency, in ready and enthusiastic display!
Is it any wonder Ogden City government is so totally F*&@ed up?
So, if you don't agree with the WCF your a "dumb ass". Take a look in the mirror when criticizing the Mayor for being a tyrant. The only difference is, he had the cajones to run for office and get elected. He stands right out there in front with the name and face in the public and takes action. You hide behind anonymity and make ludicrous claims about people and struggle to digest minor little comments that assault you. Take a chill pill you old pansy! You're not immune to criticism.
"So, if you don't agree with the WCF your a "dumb ass."
I confess I'm very close to drawing that conclusion; at least in YOUR particular case.
Listen Sonny: we get all kinds of opinions here. This is an open forum. Our readers take every discussion any which way they wish.
If you're too friggin' stupid to make your case here against the arguments of our many intelligent (and always gentle) readers...
It's your own fault.
Sorry sonny. We don't promote "causes" here, except in exceptional cases like eminent domain landgrabbing.
You're on you own here sonny; and you're free to post your views, so long as you don't get into juvenile flaming.
Don't expect our intelligent readership to cut you a pass though, if you ever try to take them on one-to-one.
You'll nrver be confused with Einstein, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
Rudi, I guess you could be like his lordship Godfrey and censor the Forum site like Channel whatever the hell it is, but you do have integrity and allow the good folks to voice thier opinions. Have you ever thought about running for the Mayor position that will be open in a couple of years? Just a Thought. Plant the Seed..
This I think strange:
Tarran said Ogden police met an Ogden City property maintenance manager at the building because an alarm had sounded in the building.
He said officers and the city employee walked around the building and checked that all entrances were secure.
It is likely at this point that someone was inside. Perhaps whoever this was simply locked the door from the inside, or secured it in such a way that it seemed locked.
I wonder how this worked---did the alarm sound for the city employee in another location, and therefore did no one have a key to do a walk-through?
It would be interesting to see who had keys. I imagine the police department would investigate this, wouldn't they?
Then, the person would have to get out. This is a window of forty minutes where someone might have seen them. I think this might be solvable, myself.
It may be solveable with professional fire investigators that were unhampered by political influence.
However, I do not think the mayor would want it solved, and unfortunately the police department is under the command of a complete incompetent chief and brother in law of one of the mayor's main props - Lindquist.
My guess is that they all wanted this building gone, and they sure as heck don't care how it got that way.
I'm also guessing that it was most likely a transient set fire, but then considering the morality of the mayor and his circle you just never know. Bottom line is that none of us are likely to ever know. Who ever set it could still be in there smoldering. Too bad it wasn't Godfrey himself.
Plans already being made, it seems:
he Ogden Museum is going to salvage the brick to sell for a fundraiser. As for the land:
John Patterson/Ogden City: "It's probably going to be a commercial site that will generate tax dollars to community."
Because even charred, Patterson says this land is key to Ogden's future downtown re-development. And Ogden's future generation is anxious to see what that's going to be like.
I understand that the City had a sizeable insurance policy on this piece of suposedly crap building, Can someone find out how much the building was insured for?
It's starting to look like hankey pankey in the city.
Must be fire season. Quite a few fires happening lately:
Fire Damages Theater Megaplex Under Construction
March 14th, 2006 @ 7:12am
Gene Kennedy Reporting
Larry H. Miller's future megaplex suffered major damage last night...
Godfrey was busy at the mega plex too. Doesn't want the competition. Get rid of that mega plex and that will drive people to ours!!!!
We are SO lucky to have such devious conspiratorial leaders!
And he did it all from England!
Insurance companies will not allow you to have a big rider on an empty builing unless you are paying a huge payment - I don't think the city is getting rich off of this, anyway it was Jesse that said let it burn "it'll be a hot time in the old town tonight" (Mrs OLeary who was blamed for the Chicago fire w/out proof and was ostracized after that - be careful about placing blame)
The plan and resources that are mounting to help lift this town and move it forward are going to be unstoppable by this group of gentle readers!
Good luck. Quietly and steadily things have been building from people all over the world who want to see the Vision realized!
It MAY be that, in the end, we will find that the fire was started by transients. However - there is no doubt in my mind that, while they may not be DIRECTLY responsible for what happened, certain individuals in the city hierarchy WANTED it to happen. Just an opinion........
And deep in your heart, I think you want to find that the Mayor burned down the building, that the Rec Center won't go as planned, and that the city of Ogden fell hurt and crippled because of the Mayor.
Having an inner desire for Ogden to fall lame doesn't to anyone any good.
Gosh anonymous - from where did you dredge up all of those absolutely stupid, moronic assumptions?
Hey Sarge, leave the poor dude alone. Can't you see he is suffering from a mental and humor deficiency?
Lame, stupid and dilusional, he deserves your pity, not your scorn.
Hey...who paid for Godfrey's trip to the UK????
Don't worry about who paid for the little lord Godfrey's ticket. He got the children's rate. Having the twerp out of town will save us a lot more than the ticket cost.
Two points:
Perhaps we all ought to let the fire department arson investigators do their job before we start leaping to conclusions about what "might" have happened and who "probably" wanted it to happen, and starting inuendoes chasing themselves back and forth across the site.
On Hizzonah's trip across the pond: I have no idea why he's there. Nor does he [or any other city employee] have any obligation to inform the public about vactions taken on his own nickel. Furthermore, if the trip was taken in pursuit of City business [e.g. as part of a trade mission to drum up business for Ogden manufacturers, or to try to draw new industry or business to Ogden], it's perfectly appropriate that his expenses be paid by the city. If it's an official Ogden City business trip, that can easily be determined since his expence records will be a matter of public record. If Hizzonah is off on a vacation, it's absolutely none of the public's business.
Curm, you're a spoil sport! It is so much fun to let our imaginations run a little wild, and who's to say maybe closer to the truth than we know?
Armysarge said: "certain individuals in the City heirarchy WANTED it to happen." It was brought to my attention, that last year when the Mayor announced that the Shupe-Williams building was to be razed, Godfrey also set March as the deadline date for it to be done. Quite a coincidence that a fire that burned with continual flare ups (like when an accelerant is used to ensure rapid and complete burning) left nothing but a couple of walls and a chimney.
Also Anonymous testifies that "the plans and resources . . . to lift this town . . . are unstoppable . . ." Anon statements only confirm what most of us know, that Mayor Godfrey will stop at nothing to get his way. He doesn't want a museum at 26th and Wall, and since several of the Council members seemed to support the Ogden-Weber Museum -- you draw your own conclusions.
Also, another item of interest, is the fact that an intrusion alarm sounded 40 minutes before flames were seen.
There sure are a lot of coincidences! I sure hope that some day we find out what REALLY happened.
Dear Lum,
What a great country we live in. If we were in China and using Google we would not be free to express our true feelings. I am surprised by the virility of your comments. Judging by what you know, we were probably not standing more than 5 feet from each other while the fire raged on. I do believe you doth protest to much.
How convienent it is blame the fire on the down and out at the shelter. Yes transients have started fires in the SWCFB before, but the most damage they seemed to do was to char the top surface of the wood floor. It would also seem that with an alarm system that gathered such immediate response they would of been caught. The discrepancies in how the building was checked only lead to further questions about wheather or not someone was inside.
I know what Acting Mayor Garcia said to the Fire Chief and you are correct, he agreed with their recommendation to let the building burn. I will not, however, back down from the statement that it is interesting that this just happened to happen while our Little King was over in England. I am sure that had he been here he would have also concurred with the recommendations from Fire Command.
It is a fact that the best person to start an arson fire is is someone who knows how to put them out. If this was truly an arson fire it was done by a professional arsonist. We will never know for sure, which only inflames the conspiracy theories. Thank the Good Lord that no one was killed or injured in this disaster.
As to the unmanned fire hoses. The first priority of any fire professional is safety. Yes this is a standard practice, but when writting an article for general dispersal one uses descriptions that are easy to comprehend. I will not allow you to tell me that the Ogden City Fire Department does not need all the manpower it can get. I also firmly believe we lose too many good Police Officers and Firefighters because we tend to underpay them. Other agencies benefit from Ogden being a training facility. When any elected official uses Public Safety staffing to punish a union for refusing to endorse him in a election or support his Gondola plan, that elected official is playing politics with the lives of innocent citizens. God forbid that we ever end up in a situation, like a major earthquake, where assistance from other area fire departments is unavilable.
I know of the "local architect" you speak of because I heard his report. Of course when you get a lot of business from the city then you present the information the client wants you to present. I am more inclined to trust an architect, not involved in local politics, and who is an expert on old wooden historic structures.
As to my writting skills. If you don't like what or how I write then don't read it. I am allowed my point of view. Because of what you wrote I am almost positive I know who you are and so now I will really like pushing your buttons.
To all of the employees of the Ogden City Corporation, I thank you for your tireless efforts to keep our city running. Most of you are hard working, dedicated individuals who could earn a lot more money working in the private sector. You are appreciated.
To those Public Officials who serve at the "Pleasure of the Mayor". It cannot be easy to
submit to a constant threat of retaliation from a tyrant who forces you to chose between his party line and keeping your job. Even though most of us can see through the propaganda, we appreciate your efforts and acknowledege your dedication to serve this city.
Let's move on and work together for a better Ogden. In 2 years we can duke it all out the AMERICAN WAY, at the ballot box. Then Barney, Ophie, Goober and Gomer can go fishing all they want.
I am a close personal friend of Mr. Cato and you didn't mention that he also drove for the Green Hornet. During the O.J. Simpson trial he was able to get reservations at any resturant in America that he wanted to eat at.
Mr. Cato enjoys sparing with our Mr. Godfrey. But he refuses to jump out of closets cause it scares all the little tykes in the Godfery home.
On further review, I think I should not have said "wanted" it to happen. Perhaps it would have been better to say they would not have been too upset if it did happen.
I paid for the mayor's trip...HAH HAH HAH
Hey Curmie,
Bob G. knows who the mayor is wooing in the UK.
Bonnie Lee,
So I would expect that the investigation will show beyond a doubt that it was indeed transients who started the fire.
I mean if the mayor did it and has everyone one in his pocket then he will get the story straight in the end so no one will ever again think it was him.
I don't think for one minute that the mayor DID IT or HAD IT DONE. At the same time, there is NO DOUBT in my mind what so ever that he is feeling no sorrow that it did happen!
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