Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Back to the Future

In recent months, Weber County residents have been subjected to a veritable barrage of information from the local media and private entities, touting a gondola system as a preferred urban transit option. Weber County Forum has also devoted considerable bandwidth to the discussion, with articles here, here, here, here and elsewhere on this weblog. For a time there we were tempted to re-name this place the "All Gondola Discussion Blog."

In this connection, I've just received an email from one of our gentle readers, on the subject of a more traditional transportation alternative -- an urban streetcar system.

For readers interested in learning more about public transit alternatives, Weber County Forum is pleased to direct our gentle readers' attention to an upcoming community event. A public presentation" will be held on Monday, January 30th at 6:30 p.m. at the Lindquist Alumni Center, 1305 41st Street (East of WSU Credit Union.) The announced topic is "streetcars." Featured guest speakers will be John Sillito, (Professor of Library Science, Archivist and Curator of Special Collections at WSU,) and Jeffrey F. Boothe (Chairman and Executive Director of the "National" Community Streetcar Coalition.)

For more information on this event, just follow this link, to view a web brochure made available via the Smart Growth Ogden website.

Additional reader information or comments are invited, of course, as always.

Thank you very much.

Rudi has now left the building.

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