We have an announcement to make to our WCF readership; and we'll keep it short -- and hopefully sweet:
To our great regret it is our painful but necessary task to inform our readers of this:
Dian Woodhouse, our good friend and regular Weber County Forum contributor, passed away yesterday, as a consequence of a sudden and massive heart attack, which occurred late Sunday morning.
Despite the valiant efforts of the medical staff at the McKay-Dee ICU, and the prayers of Dian's many close friends, Dian's injuries proved too severe to sustain life; and Dian's mortal body was pronounced dead at approximately noon yesterday.
We are told that she just quietly "slipped away," peacefully and painlessly.
We have been in daily communication with her loving husband Matt since mid-afternoon Sunday; and we anticipate he will provide us a short update/eulogy sometime soon. Obviously we can't provide a timeline on this. Matt is currently experiencing the understandable "grieving process," and is also unfortunately occupied with the many trivial formalities that always attend the passing of a dearly-loved one.
We are now beginning to receive comments and condolences in the lower comments section, and we have thus decided to provide this special comment thread, both for those readers who may wish to publcly express their comments or condolences, and for the information of those readers and admirers who had not yet become aware of this unfortunate event.
Mere words are insufficient to express our own pain and grief, upon the passing of our true and dear friend Dian. Dian was one of those glorious and noble souls whom we "happen upon" very rarely in life. Suffice it for now to say that we simply express our deep gratitude that Dian happened upon our own live's paths. We will all be the better for Dian's having spent her last days with us, we think.
Update 12/11/06 9:02 p.m. MT: Dian's husband and soul-mate Matt has graciously tranmitted to us this evening a brief eulogy, for those who'd like to to learn a little more about our very remarkable Dian.
Update 12/16/06 9:29 a.m. MT: We link here this morning's Std-Ex obituary, and make special note (for readers who have been inquiring,) that Dian's memorial service will be held at Larkin Mortuary (24th St. & Adams Ave. - Ogden) on Wednesday, December 20th @ 12:00 p.m.
Update 12/22/06 6:20 a.m. MT: Ellen Fagg provided a nice tribute to Dian in Wednesday's Salt Lake Tribune. We link it here, for those who may have not already seen it.