This morning's Standard-Examiner is a virtual cornucopia of Weber County Forum-relevant material. Four articles caught our attention this a.m.:
Utah real estate is booming, according to this Jeff Demoss headline story, notwithstanding the complete absence of Utah urban gondolas. What a surprise! Perhaps one of our resident Gondola Cult readers will write in, and explain this inexplicable turn of events.
After a three-month vacancy in the Emerald City Human Resources Department directorship office, a very well-qualified replacement has been retained by the city, according to this Scott Schwebke article. Our advice to Ms. Choate: Be sure to peruse Scott Brown's personnel file for your own safety. But whatever you do, don't take it home. Boss Godfrey is just a mite touchy about that; and we wouldn't want to see our new Human Resources Director get burned.
Charlie Trentelman, a true Emerald City journalistic icon, provides a fine Std-Ex column today, reporting on a pleasant and recent dining experience at St. Anne's Shelter. How a genuine humanitarian like Mr. Trentelman stays in the employ of the Standard-Examiner remains a mystery to us. His inability to look down his nose at the unfortunates in our society must surely drive the effete publisher from Sanduskey (and some of the Std-Ex editors) completely nuts.
And for a glimpse of a truly world-class letter to the editor, don't miss this one from Emerald City's own David Smith, who makes the anti-Godfrey case with a remarkable economy of words. A Weber County Forum Tip O' the Hat to Mr. Smith, for boiling down the whole Boss Godfrey problem in a mere six short paragraphs.
Let's hear it, gentle readers.
We eagerly await a flurry of comments from you, under an array of newly-created and clever psuedonyms.