Our home town newspaper is brimming with 2007 election-related information this morning. We hardly know where to start.
We suppose however that this morning's lead editorial, in which the Standard Examiner editors make their first Emerald City election 2007 candidate endorsement, is the most significant article in this morning's Standard-Examiner lineup.
And which city council candidate does the Std-Ex recommend this morning? [drumroll]: Amy Wicks!
Our compliments to the Std-Ex for their most excellent pick. We couldn't have done better ourselves. And we suppose this endorsement does force us to sheepishly admit that the Std-Ex may not be a slavish Godfrey House Propaganda Organ after all.
Be sure to visit the Standard-Examiner's website, where you can view the taped interviews of councilwoman Wicks, along with that of her bumbling and hapless At-Large Seat "C" challenger, Royal Eccles.
Next on the Weber County Forum playlist this morning we'll direct our readers' attention to this John Greiner Op-ed rebuttal piece. Loyal trooper to the last, Chief Greiner this morning arises to the service of his Commander-in-Chief Boss Godfrey, and attempts to refute Professor Hutchins' startling 10/23/07 crime statistics Op-ed revelations. The apparent point of Chief Greiner's article: ALL crime stats are skewed, according to the whims of those who produce and/or collect them, says Chief Greiner. Ogden City owns its own statistics, and Boss Godfrey's administration won't stand for any danged professional neuroscientists interpreting their numbers, unless they attend all the proper crime conferences.
Next, we'll note today's obligatory Boss Godfrey rah-rah letter, submitted by the always reliable Gondolist lemming Jeanette Ballantyne. Yes we checked the Gondolist Cult membership list, and have confimed that Ms. Ballantyne is indeed a charter member.
Boss Godfrey has been struggling for years to put Emerald City "on the map." We believe he's succeeded this week. This is the best Ogden-related story, we think, since the last time Emerald City appeared on the weird news story map.
That's a wrapup of the morning's Emerald City news, WCF readers.
It's your turn to take it from here.
Little Hero Matty realy should be more careful taking crime matters into his own hands. He could end up getting the snot beat out of him by someone who is not drunk and high on pot during his next encounter.
I would suggest he stick with tailgating Cops wives, brow beating council women, and lying like a Rat.
And keep on trying to get the council to abolish the Civil Service Commission so he can fire our public servant for any trumped up charges he can come up with. Like supporting his political opponents?
Rudi, the SE decision to air their candidate interveiws left them no choice but to endorse Amy Wicks.
There would be noway anyone could choose eccles after watching that.
I encourage all of you to go to the link, it's quite amusing.
Before the primary election, a letter to the Standard Examiner asked for why OPD statistics were available only through 2002. Even if Chief Greiner doesn't read WCF, you would think that that would have been enough to get the numbers out there.
I guess we lumpencitizens didn't need to worry our little heads about such matters.
On the SE's Content this morning:
1. On the Wicks endorsement. Kudos to the SE for grounding its endorsement largely on the basis of Councilwoman Wicks' independence. I'm also pleased to note that the editorial pointed out, a couple of times, that Ms. Wicks' independence did not morph into knee-jerk opposition, that she votes with the administration when she thinks that is what the public good requires, and questions and sometimes voters against administration proposals when she thinks that course is in the public interest. In short, I think they've endorsed her re-election on precisely the right grounds: her demonstrated independence in the job.
2. On Mr. Greiner [State Senator, Ogden Police Chief, and license-plate-tracer for Mayor Godfrey]: Ah, Chief Greiner. Do you really believe everyone is playing politics but you? That seems to be the implication of your closing lines.
But lets begin by looking at your opening lines, which do not address the accuracy of the figures in question at all. Your first devastating argument against Mr. Hitchins' op-ed piece is that Mr. Hitchins is a scientist! "I suppose a... neuroscientist — can talk about this...."
First, I am sure we are all grateful to Chief Greiner for granting Mr. Hitchins... or me or you... permission to talk about the numbers the Mayor has thrown around in his re-election bid. We must all send him a thank-you note. I mean, it's not like we were living in the United States, where people have a right to talk about election issues, and question the claims of candidates, even without the permission of the local police chief. But we live in Greinerland where, grudgingly, the Chief of Police has given Mr. Hitchins, and me, and you, and... well, the public... the privilege of being allowed to comment on public issues during an election. Chief Greiner, we are so grateful for your charity in this.
Greiner continues on at some length discussing crime numbers reported by the City, the FBI, and BCI. He offers reasons why Ogden's numbers --- his numbers --- differ from those reported by the FBI and BCI. Some of his points seem well taken to me. Standards for reporting do change, making comparisons based on different indices over time difficult. Fair enough. But it all ends up with Greiner claiming his numbers are better than the other sets of numbers, and his accusing other people of playing politics for not accepting his numbers as graven in stone and handed down from the mount.
Mayor Godfrey may prefer to use the chief's numbers because they suit the Mayor's re-election bid best. Fair enough. But the Chief's attempt to pretend, then, that the mayor is not playing politics by preferring his in-house generated crime statistics, but that anyone pointing to the competing crime indeces of the FBI and BCI is playing politics is a stretch. Does anyone reading this, including Chief Greiner, believe that if the FBI numbers worked better for the Mayor he would not be using them instead?
It really is fun when politicians, like Chief Greiner, run around accusing other people of playing politics.
3. On Mayor Godfrey's apprehending of a would-be bicycle thief. Again, I see no reason to make light of it or the Mayor. He subdued a drunken neighbor until the police came. That was a good thing. It's a good thing he wasn't seriously hurt in the process as he might easily have been. But unless people are planning to call the Mayor if a burglar breaks into their home instead of 911 [as the Mayor properly did], I don't see how it bears much on his qualifications for a third term.
I do note the Mayor seems to enjoy police work. Following a car around downtown phoning the license in to Chief Greiner to find out whose wife was driving it. And now a hot pursuit in the dead of night. Perhaps Mayor Godfrey has at last found his true calling. In which case, he might want to drop out of the Mayor's race and apply for one of the police jobs that Chief Greiner has so far been unable to fill. As someone advised Ms. Hooser once, it's not too late....
According to his interview, Royal Eccles doesn't think we should spent any more on new mass transit until more people start riding the bus (he "drives" by empty buses all the time!) Would that mean no urban gondola until there's more people on the buses?
He's also afraid that if we don't play ball with Chris Peterson over his Malan project, he might sell to outsiders who could do all kinds of bad things up there. Would that mean if we don't let a Utah boy foul the foothills, an outsider might? Then I guess he's not in favor of the mayor pressuring local businessmen to sell the 25th street property to Californian friends of Matt.
If we look back at the violent crime data two things stick out.
First of all, for 1999 the year prior to Godfrey's taking office, there is a huge discrepancy between numbers given by Godfrey (much higher) and Greiner (lower than the FBI and UCR and much lower than Godfrey). How can this be? Was there retroactive crime that only the Mayor was privy to?
A second point is that Greiner/OPD figures for 1995-97 and for 2000-01 match FBI and UCR numbers. I can understand that different entities might chose to count differently, but this inconsistency begs explanation.
Where is (our) Britney Spears when we need her?
Honestly, I think we should just believe the Mayor and Chief Greiner and support them in everything they do.
Worthy and sound-minded as it is, I interpret the timing of today's S-E endorsement of Wicks as a ploy to mitigate the inevitable howls from the WCForum when it editorializes for four more years of Matt ("Jack Dempsey") Godfrey.
(Aside: I'd prefer a Jack Daniels mayor.)
Recently, Jason W. posted a clever parody of Don Porter's coming endorsement of the incumbent. This ought to be a gauntlet to the rest of us: would it not be diverting if additional gentle readers (especially Ozboy, Bill C., and Tec, who are gifted at such flights) submitted similar creative efforts? In fact, why not a contest?
Was it just me and my diminished capacity, or was Greiner's non-political diatribe long, boring, confusing, uninteresting, self serving and disingenuous?
Was he really saying we couldn't trust the FBI and Utah State Crime honcho's numbers but can have complete faith in his non-self serving account of things?
This from the same guy that forgot to fire Matt Jones when he intended to but then did so in complete good faith when the mayor's call with Matt's license plate number jogged his memory, and that the firing had absolutely nothing to do with the VanGate incident!
I guess after slapping his wife around, the Mayor figured he was ready to move up in class. And tackle a drunken neighborhood cycling enthusiast.
Kudos to Amy Wicks! Kudos to the SE for a fine editorial endorsing her leadership and thotful answers.
She surely outshone Eccles.
I hope this is not a pallitive, as one suggested, to lull us before the Godfrey endorsement.
If the SE can see the leadership qualities in Wicks, surely they will see the potential in Susan! She will surround herself with the best team! She's a smart woman who will have an open door policy and keep lines of open communication between her administration, public and Council.
So, she tends to 'clutch' in a debate! Other than AIDS, the number one fear of adults is public speaking! So kudos to Sue.
BTW...Godfrey was able to be cute and glib with his replies because he's honed them at all those dog and pony shows and Rotary lunches.
It appeared to me that he had a hand in formulating those self-serving questions last nite. WHY was Hardman and his Chamber even allowed to put those questions together? This same group is operating a call center for Godfrey in the Municipal Bldg!
The questons were redundant and boring. They just gave Godfrey another public opportunity to beg for "more time" to dazzle his followers with untruths, bragging, and grandiose meanderings. It would have been better to have about 1 hour of questions and another hour open to the audience to challenge replies and ask Matt to 'splain his numbers. "25,000 new jobs downtown". Really? How many employees at the Costa Vida now?
With no new retail downtown, where are those thousands working?
Fair and balanced? I say not.
WHY was Hardman and his Chamber even allowed to put those questions together?
Ah, well... because the Chamber was a co-sponsor of the event.
Does Greiner have no shame?
What an arrogant bullying commentary in the paper today! How insulting to Jim Hutchens.
According to Griener, no intelligent, educated and erudite scientist could ever grasp his and Godfrey's manipulations of numbers! Can you imagine the reception Hutchens would have received from Greiner if Jim had solicited an audience with the crimefighter's lackey?
Greiner is a fearmonger also.
If he succeeds in getting rid of the Civil Service Commission, then every cop will be in the same ranks as Matt Jones.
Schwebke, as usual, gave no space in his story for a rebuttal of Matt's exaggerations. Susie did not look like she showed up according to Scott's story. Susie said she had "an email" wherein Godfrey's team was told not to show up at the work meeting. Schwebke didn't mention that! Just let Matt call her a liar. Also, in an earlier story, Gurrister allowed Matt to once again impugn Susan's veracity. Matt hinted that Sue was part of Littrell's lawsuit. He knows that isn't true, but the little sneak just had to insinuate it anyway, knowing that the SE would print it.
I thought Gurrister was better than that!
Whitewash, whitewash.
SE's for Matt
In re: the suggestions above and heard in conversations lately that the SE endorsement of Councilwoman Wicks was a clever ploy to deflect criticism in advance when the Godfrey Lap Dog SE team whimpers obediently and rolls over for a Mayoral tummy-rub on the remaining endorsements.
Ahem. We are in the end game of a hard, and sometimes bitterly fought election. At such times, peoples' paranoia sometimes just naturally goes on steroids and their sense of humor goes on vacation.
Let me offer a radical counter-view: the SE editorial board will endorse those candidates it has concluded will best serve the interests of the City. That Ms. Wicks' endorsement was based on exactly that judgment by the Editorial Board. And that its subsequent endorsements will be based on the same standard. It is entirely possible that the Editorial Board may both agree with me, and disagree with me, about candidate endorsements on the merits as the board sees them. Not everyone who disagrees with me or others here is necessarily a sniveling cringing running-dog of Godfreyism. People can see matters differently without necessarily being involved in some dishonest Machiavellian conspiracy.
I don't expect that I will approve of all the remaining endorsements the paper will make. But I don't see why that should be taken, necessarily, as evidence of bad faith on the editors' part. Bad judgment, certainly. [Disagreeing with me on public matters always involves poor judgment. Surely no fair-minded person would doubt that.] But bad faith and duplicity?
There's one exception to what I've said above: publishers retain the right [and sometimes exercise it] to determine a paper's editorial stand. Recall last presidential election when the publisher of the Salt Lake Tribune dictated the paper's endorsement of G.Bush's re-election to the editors, over their objections. But when that happens, honorable publishers sign the resulting editorial. That makes it plain to all that the endorsement was the publisher's, not the editors'. [As I recall, the SL Trib's shameful Bush endorsement was not a signed editorial by the publisher. Glad to be corrected if I'm wrong about that.]
So, if the publisher of the SE -- a Mr. Carter, I think it is --is forcing any endorsements, I trust he will have the integrity and cojones to sign the resulting editorials. Absent that or other evidence to the contrary, seems to me reasonable to assume that the paper will endorse whomever its editorial board thinks will be the best person for the office in their judgment. That their judgment may be bad is not a reason to question their honesty. It's wise sometimes... actually, all the time... to keep in mind that old caution about not attributing to malevolence what can more easily be explained by incompetence [aka in this case, poor judgment].
Those 25000 new jobs downtown? Haven't you seen all those people scurrying around with brooms and shovels picking up the horse and bulls*** that Mayor Matt is spreading all over Ogden?
Well, let us pray that the SE does not exercise poor judgment.
Perhaps they will ask Curm for his endorsement?
Do stop being so fairminded, Curmudgeon. Sometimes you are simply boring.
I know, I know, you always want to be kind and give everyone a chance to express their heart's desires.
But people who sit on the fence get splinters in their bums and when they stand in the middle of the road they are apt to be run over.
Get in the crosswalk, pal.
I personally cannot burlesque the S-E's coming endorsement of Elder Godfrey ... no matter how I try, it comes out sounding like the Mount Ogden Stake newsletter. Let's face it, folks, my deepest fear here is that in the privacy of the ballot booth lots of Ogdenites just can't bring themselves to punch the chad for the Gentile Van Hooser.
Which, if true, means another four years of Godfrey and his troupe of O.K. Corral acrobats, the Geigers, Allens, Harmer, Brown, Reid, et al. There has not been such a collection of nuts since the days of the twelve apostles.
I will give you ten to one odds on a hundred buck bet that the Standard endorses Godfrey. If you think the paper is so fair and balanced then there is a fifty fifty chance I will be right. The odds I'm offering you are then pretty darn good! Want to put your money where your infernal fair and balanced mouth is?
It is a pretty piss poor choice that we have between Godfrey and Van Hooser. He is a lyin crook that knows how to manipulate the levers of power, and she is a shallow ditz that doesn't appear to have a clue what politics or running a city is about.
I only hope that the three women in the council race all win, otherwise we are really going to be screwed for the next few years.
I didn't say it there was a 50/50 chance. I said we ought to at least consider the possibility that the SE editorial board, if/when it recommends Godfrey, will be doing so because the board thinks Godfrey is, given the options, the better choice. They'll be wrong about that, of course, but being wrong does not make them dishonest or deceitful. That's all.
More funny Godfrey math?
Ogden City Update (p 5D of today's SE) explains how we can retire $21.46 million of City debt by investing the $150K BDO income (with annual $10K increases) and using those funds to pay off our bonds.
Assuming a 10% return, compounded annually, the total amount grows to $2.6 million, not $21 million.
Am I missing something? Aside from the obvious, that is.
Squirrel Patrol alert!
It seems that Elder Geiger, THE SKI IS BEAUTIFUL BLUE, and his demon spawn, Short-deck, have been harassing and cajoling folks on their own porches.
Yes, when these two brave soldiers in Wayne Peterson's famed Squirrel Patrol spy a lawn sign that seemingly demonstrates a homeowner's aversion to a lying gondola freak sociopath, they storm the place and scream at its occupants until they have to resort to counter-yelling about calling the police.
Although I abhor their consistent, striking and arrogant ability to ignore a person's right to political speech, I applaud their effort as campaigners for Lying Little Matty Gondola Godfrey.
Do they really think they are having a positive effect when "engaging" in such squirrel-and-onion related reconnoiters?
Man sakes alive, nuts indeed!
Speaking of which: Where is the Patagonia-vest-wearing, Thorazine-addled leader of his own famed Squirrel Patrol? And is it possible that he closely identified with Veruca Salt as a child and therefore internalized her experience with squirrels as the basis for his extreme prejudice against them?
None of this, however, explains the famed patrol's otherworldly affection for gondolas! gondolas! everywhere.
I share Moroni's fear, but I remain hopeful that the right things do occasionally do happen. Maybe after all the threatening, our fair citizens will, in the solitary confines of the sacred booth, will oust the sociopath and the Avenging Geigers and their assembled Danite scourge will begin its exodus to American Fork.
Your Pal:
You wrote: Sometimes you are simply boring. I know, I know, you always want to be kind and give everyone a chance to express their heart's desires. But people who sit on the fence get splinters in their bums and when they stand in the middle of the road they are apt to be run over.
1. Hey, I'm a history professor. Semi-retired, true, by my card is still punched. I know how to be world class boring! My 90 minute lecture on the macro-economic consequences of the Ostend Manifesto damn near put Sominex out of business in South Louisiana. If my posts bore you, just think of it as me bringing my professional expertise to WCF.
2. About my wanting to give everyone a chance to express his or her views: well, yes. In a Democracy that's pretty much how it works. Or should. Everyone gets to express their ideas if they want to and can find an outlet. Like WCF [for which thanks again Rudi]. Even Godfrey fans. And no, I wouldn't have it any other way. Not in my country.
3. Fence sitter? Me? I've been posting on the failures [ethical and of judgment] of the Godfrey administration for I think about two years now. I worked for Rep. Hansen in the primary and I'm supporting Ms. Van Hooser in the election now. Every way I can. You have an odd definition of fence-sitting.
Thanks for the heads up on the update in the SE. It seems to be a lightly reworded Godfrey press release rather than a story per se. It does not contain nearly enough information for readers to be able to either know exactly what Godfrey is proposing, or where his numbers stand up. We can only hope that by tomorrow, when this appears in the regular edition, the SE will have awakened a reporter who knows something about economics, and perhaps one of the SE's House accountants, who will provide some context and enough information to allow readers to know what is being proposed and whether it makes sense. Damned if I know from what the SE put up on its website today.
I gave it a shot, and as I do the math, it seems he's proposing that over the next nine years, a total of $1,800,000 in BDO revenues be applied to reducing the bonds he's talking about, one at a time. [Which bonds do not include RDA debt, of course, which Hizzonah is pretending is not debt at all. I asked my bank if I pretended two thirds of my mortgage debt didn't exist, would they reduce my monthly mortgage payment? They were Not Amused.]
As the first bond is paid off, Godfrey proposes [I think] that the money regularly budgeted for paying it, plus the additional BDO money, plus interest savings from the early payment, would then go into paying the second bond. When that's paid, the regular payments budgeted for the first and second bonds, plus the BDO money plus interest savings would go to pay the third. And so on. This might in fact be enough to pay the whole bonded debt [minus the RDA debt, which Hizzonah conveniently ignores] down in nine years.
Maybe. But then we have to consider this from the SE "story" [politely so called]:
2) General Fund: As the bonds are retired, money originally budgeted to make those payments can now be programmed for Capital Improvement Projects, creating a dedicated General Fund source of revenue for the first time in decades.
Does it mean this will happen after all the bonds are retired, nine years from now? Or does it mean as each bond is retired, the money budgeted to pay it off can be shunted to the general fund, capital improvements fund, rainy day fund, etc.? But if it does mean that, then it seems to me the bonds could not all be paid off in only nine years.
To be fair [however annoying that may be to some on WCF], I can't tell if the confusion is a result of Hizzonah's figures not adding up, or just a result of an unusually opaque and muddled story by the SE. Which often happens when a paper resorts to press release journalism.
Maybe we'll know more when the SE hits the porch tomorrow morning. I hope so.
This is another example of the mayor's fuzzy math and wishful thinking. His projections are predicated on the BDO funds being used for debt retirement. That ain't gonna happen cause every red cent of BDO income is going to be used to pay off the mountain of debt and debacle which will result when the Rec Center and Mall go broke. Everything in the city, including the BDO income, is pledged to that turkey which is already showing signs of collapse. Just go down there and see, and smell the aroma of death that is already starting to waft out of that mausoleum.
I believe he said Tuesday night 2,500 jobs.
We saw the approach on Saturday with Ben Lomond, the plant from the Godfrey corner.
He was willing to ditch all the male city council candidates (and hand picked Godfrey supporters) as long as people would be willing to support just ONE candidate: Godfrey.
Now that the SE has endorsed Wicks it seems more apparent that is the coordinated plan.
(Yeah, Wicks is way better than Dusty Eccles, duh.)
In the end, like with any dictatorship, everyone is expendable but the top guy. Look for one or both of Blain "Jaws" Johnson or Kent "Skipper" Peterson to be ditched to add "credibility" to the ultimate Godfrey endorsement.
As far as the comment above calling VanHooser a "ditz", she has always seemed sharp to me. She also has gravitas.
Watching Eccles - he seemed like a guy who isn't too bright trying to act smart. It's okay to be a little slow, but when somebody tries to act smarter than they are it looks kind of weird. And Royal (Dusty), take note, as you were sitting there sometimes it looked like you were, how can I say this, petting your chicken. It's unsettling. You might consider keeping your hands on the table or holding them further apart.
Oz: You say regarding the Salomon Center: Just go down there and see, and smell the aroma of death that is already starting to waft out of that mausoleum.
Great imagery. I plan to do just that. I got some coupons, so Mrs. Donner and I will be making a return trip to Sal's Place in the near future.
Godfrey Administration Ethics?
It was just pointed out to me that in this morning's SE, there is one of those periodical paid advertisements from Ogden City "prepared and submitted by Ogden City Mayor's Office." It contains an item headlined "Mayor's Plan Eliminates City Debt." This is plain and simple a campaign piece. Yet it appears in a city ad in the paper, paid for by public funds. The mayor is using our tax money to print his campaign tracts, in living color, in the Standard Examiner. There is another Godfrey campaign piece in the public-paid for ad as well. When people question his ethics as a public man, this is a good example of what they mean: using pubic funds to campaign for re-election.
And then the Standard Examiner took the Mayor's puff piece that appeared in its own pages as a paid ad, and made it, virtually unchanged, its "story" on its mid-day update.
Proud of yourselves, SE editors? Isn't the Mayor using city money to buy space for his press release in your paper enough? Do you have to provide it, lightly disguised as a story, free of charge on the web page too?
Last time I looked at the BDO (i.e. the financial provided by the city) is was not producing the income that the administration had projected that it would produce.
It was only generating about 60% of expectation.
The use of those funds to pay off general funds debt may be a mute point.
The BDO income may all have to go to the way over budget Rec Center obligation.
I just took some Dramamine and read Greiner's column.
Very telling, that he starts out by personally attacking Hutchins and his credentials.
Without a trace of embarassment, he tells us that their population figure for 1999 is taken directly from the 1990 Census. (According to the Census Bureau, Ogden's population rose more than 20% between 1990 and 2000. I suppose all of that increase could have taken place in the final year...)
He neglects to mention that in his own earlier PowerPoint presentation, he used a much higher, and more accurate, estimate of the population in 1999.
Rather than explaining why Ogden's crime numbers for the last two years are so much lower than those of the FBI and BCI, he obfuscates by bringing up the types of crimes that these agencies don't even tabulate, and by pointing out that the FBI web site is organized differently for different years. And he insinuates that it is the FBI and BCI that are manipulating the data, not Ogden.
The bottom line is that the many inconsistencies in the city's data make Godfrey's claims about crime reduction virtually meaningless.
I would have attended the police conferences for the last 35 years if I had known I was going to have my credibility questioned.
As I had no idea in 1972 that I would be confronted, 35 years later, by someone who compares me to a conspiracy-theorist wingnut, I was completely unprepared to defend myself from today's onslaught.
Res ipsa loquitur.
Aw, Jim, you would have been relegated to the back row behind the potted plant anyway!
Hey! You always know you're on the right side when you see who your enemies and detractors are!
Keep on keepin' on!
Could you send me a laaaarge poster of my caped hero? I think I just fell in love again.
I found it amusing that our Mayor's heroics were being sarcastically touted on x-96 this morning. I doubt many of this educated crowd listens to the "Radio from Hell" show - but it's pretty entertaining. Here's the link to the podcast:
x-96 Podcast
Click on the link to listen to the show online. It's the October 25th show, about 25minutes into the broadcast (yes you can fast-forward). You'll get a good chuckle!
sorry, I've never posted a link before - I don't know if I did it right. Let me try that again. http://x96.com/music/podcast/rfh
You.. you... you... scientist! Ha! There! That's taken care of anything the likes of you will say!
[hanging head]
Yes, it's true. I'm a scientist. But it's not my fault, really. I was born that way. It's not a lifestyle choice.
After all, why would anyone choose to be a scientist?
How hilarious is to watch Greiner, who holds himself out as such a macho guy...
compromising his integrity...
manufacturing false data...
and kissing Godfrey's behind!
There was something quite interesting that I picked up on while watching the hilarious tape of the royal eccles interveiw. Only one of the large group assembled by the SE to conduct the interveiw and make the recommendation lives in Ogden, one.
This could explain how the effects of lying little matty's kool-aid have had such an overwhelming effect on those that bring us our morning news.
For almost it's whole exsistance, Ogden has been viewed as different than all the other northern Utah cities, and the rest of the state as well.
While the rest of the state has been busy trying to achieve an almost "Stepford" level of uniformity, based on piety, Ogden was enjoying national recognition for whoring, gambling,racial and ethnic diversity and letting the liquor flow freely. Right in the heart of zion. Oh for the good ol days,but I digress.
Needless to say, the dichotomy with Ogden and the rest of the area has resulted in, those not from Ogden have been raised with an ilusion and negative bias towards our fair city. Lying little matty of Harrisville is one of these, and so are all but one of the SE editorial board.
Ogden natives have always seen things quite differently. We embrace the diversity, and take pride in our eclectic heritage.
So when lying little matty, the geigers, the allens and ilk started their chicken little, the sky is falling, Ogdens going to hell sermon, we just let it slide for a while. We knew better, Ogden has had it's many ups and downs and things always work themselves out. Usually in a very unique Ogden sort of way.
What took awhile to notice was many in Ogden had allowed them to diminish our collective self esteem. He's used this condition to walk all over the people of Ogden, devalued homes optioned under the threat of Emminent domain, using your tax dollars to enrich his buddies under the guise of justified RDA projects. The cities ecconomic developement department has been operating as a private broker for gadi lesham, they have threatened to take homes unless folks aggree to an option, and I hear those options have now been transfered to gadi lesham. Wake up people, if it's all about ecconomic developement, why are we giving it all away and paying some for the privilege of building something you may not want, risk free.
Wake up folks, regain some pride in your city and highten your self esteem. I've heard things recently like, we can't lose this momentum and lying little matty's a good salesman. I spent almost 30 years selling, and I'll tell you, it's not too difficult to sell, way under market value.
A Dingo Took My Baby
Caitlin Gochnour Took My Lawn Sign
Well, the vicious UNcreative Godfreyite letter writing club under the tutelage of J. Ballantyne is in full swing.
Don Porter demands "verification" from me, but lets Griener denigrate Hutchens and offer Godfry's stats, and the two letters writers get away with slurs against Susan today!
Snidely implying that VanHooser is too dumb to understnd ordniances, can't keep control of her election committee or is just lying?
Then we have Caitlin or her Committee perhaps stealing signs and leaving an odious brochure?
But, hey! Are we surprised by such scurrilous remarks?
Neil, why don't you write yp your little dust up with "Godfrey's campaign worker..one Bobby Geiger caught in the act of stealing your sign?
That we know is the truth!
While we have had electioneering being done out of City Hall with impunity, Salt Lake is considering theirs a major scandal.
ON the letters column of the SE. Dear Sharon, the letters column is for readers who write in, and [properly so], where those readers may express the most whacko, loony, off the wall opinions they want to. If I were editing the letter column, I'd be looking for zany stuff to print there by way of keeping readers coming back. I'd want letters so off the wall that in the coffee houses of Ogden, people would be calling out from table to table over their morning joe "Hey, Fred, did you see the letter from that froot-loop down in Kaysville this morning? You won't believe it! You gotta see it!"
Example: the absolutely wonderful letter in today's SE in which a Castle Dale citizen warns us that opponents of school vouchers are all "hard left, anti-God liberals who want no opposition to their power to set the agenda, to dictate subject matter and educational techniques, to influence impressionable young minds and mold the next generation of liberal activists. They've turned their government schools into laboratories for social engineering, downgrading basic academics and old-fashioned notions of American values and morality in favor of their fictional history-science experiment in no-morality and open opposition to God."
Apparently, the writer is convinced that the public schools of Utah... the only state left in the union, remember, where polls suggest most of the population thinks George Bush is doing a fine job as president... have been taken over by leftists who have been cranking out for years "the next generation" of atheist leftist liberals.
In Utah?
If the voting public of the state of Utah is an example of what having leftist liberals running the public schools results in, I would thing Citizen from Castle Dale and his fellow wing-nuts would be crusading to have the public schools of every state stocked with Utah-style "atheist leftist liberal teachers." Based on what Castle Dale Citizen thinks has happened here, the results of that would be a Red State America from coast to coast. It would be Carl Rove's wet dream.
Sharon, I applaud the SE's policy of printing damn near anything that comes over the transom as a letter to the editor. They often provide the first chuckle.. and in the case of the Citizen From Castle Dale's letter, the first belly-laugh... of the day.
I'd write more, but I have to call Wayne Holland, the head of the Democratic Party in Utah, with the wonderful news that the state is awash in left-leaning liberals our schools have been cranking out for years now. He needs to know. Where have they been hiding I wonder?
God, I love the letters columns.
Well, Curm, you missed my point, which is not your satyle! Don Porter will not print anything of mine that he thinks denigrates (without verification), and we email back and forth haggling over minute points.
Those letters were emailed in Wed nite or yesterday, and made the paper today.
They are written by
"whacko", but the content is scurrilous. When I gave Don PROOF of my allegations, and how he could verify for himself, he was either too arrogant or lazy to pick up the phone.
Godfrey keeps getting away, in the paper, about implying in his sneaky way that Susie had something to do with the lawsuit. He knows that's a lie, but the SE keeps putting in his sneaky quotes anyway.
Sure, wacky lettrs are fun to read....I know CA politics...it ain't the pablum of UT...but, let's be fair. When Greiner is allowed, as our Chief and Senator to be so insulting, small minded and Incorrect on his figures, and these Godfreyites mailing in false statements...then we should be able to get the TRUTH out.
Fair's fair, I once heard.
The Mayor gives a lot of numbers pointing to crime being lowered over his tenure. Has he ever explained why that might be the case? What programs or measures has he specifically taken to fight and prevent crime and have those been analyzed? Where's the beef? Unless you count tackling a stoned neighbor trying to steal his kid's $95 bike and following somebody around in his car tracking license plate numbers, what else has he done, specifically, to reduce the crime rate???
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