Somebody suggested I open another Open Thread, which is a fine idea for a rainy Monday at the tail of the Memorial Day weekend. The floor's therefore open to discussion of any topic of your choosing. You can continue old discussions -- or start up new ones -- whatever the heck you like.
It was my intention in setting up this place, by the way, that you reporter-commentor citizens would become the "motor" that would drive the discussion through your own observations and comments. This place is intended to be your soapbox; not mine. If this forum is to develop as a true local gathering spot for the citizens of Weber County (Northern Utah, actually,) it'll only happen through wide reader participation.
I've been watching the statistics since I first fired up this place less than two weeks ago. There hasn't been a day within the last week when there were fewer than 99 visitors (it's been as high as 151.) This ain't half-bad for a brand-new local political site, especially one that only showed up on some of the major search engines just a couple of days ago. There are definitely people out there reading and listening, even though not too many of them have taken the next step, and begun to speak up. Maybe the cat's got their tongue; who knows?
Have at it. Tell the rest of our readers what's on your mind. We have thousands of potential reporters and commentators out there with news or pithy comments waiting to be heard.