The Standard's Doug Gibson has the original story:
And surprise of surprises, here's the latest weird update, concerning the further total wierdness of Weber County GOP politics, wherein convention loser candidate Brad Dee inexplicably urges Caitlin Gochnour to withdraw from the commission race:
We confess we're wondering what happened to Commissioner Matthew Bell, who folded like a cheap suit, under threat of Dee's Saturday's not-so-crippling County Convention candidacy. Nevertheless, Mr. Bell also urges Ms. Gochnour to withdraw from the commission race, just as the cowardly incumbent Bell did:
Under current Utah Law, our favorite Weber County County Commisswioner Candidate, Caitlin Gochnour, is now poised to become our next Weber County Commissioner.
Farewell to the Weber CountyGOP "Good Old Boy's Club,." we hope
Weber County Forum thus endorses Caitlin Gochnour for Weber County Commission, we do say!
Go, Caitlin, GO!
Update 3/22/16 11:43 AM: Undeterred by crackpot Weber County GOP political hacks urging her to "obey" the Crackpot Weber GOP, Caitlin Gochnour, WCF's favorite commission candidate, launches her own uninhibited 2016 County Commission campaign:
Bravo, Mrs Gochnour!