Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Standard-Examiner: Awaiting Public Defense Changes, Data Says Prosecutors Paid More Than Defense

One more reason being broke in Utah Totally Sucks!

Via Studebaker Legal Services PC:
County attorneys are involved to varying degrees in the selection of defense counsel, the negotiation of defense attorney compensation, and the oversight of defense counsel performance. Having county attorneys involved in right-to-counsel decisions means that the defender’s courtroom adversary is the one ultimately responsible for whether the defender gets the next appointment or contract.
This shows a clear conflict of interest in justice. In order for defendants to get the right to effective counsel, there must be an independent group overseeing and funding the indigent defense system. Without this independent group, lower class people will continue to be trampled on by the justice system.
The Standard is also all over this story. Read up, Peeps!
Awaiting public defense changes, data says prosecutors paid more than defense
One more reason being broke in Utah Sucks!

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