Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Get Thee to the Polls!

So, gentlemen,
With all my love I do commend me to you:
And what so poor a man as Hamlet is
May do, to express his love and friending to you,
God willing, shall not lack. Let us go in together;
And still your fingers on your lips, I pray.
The time is out of joint: O cursed spite,
That ever I was born to set it right!
Nay, come, let's go together.

-Hamlet Act 1. Scene V
William Shakespeare

We Ogdenites face a very sobering responsibility today. We are the only thing standing between Matt Godfrey and another two years of one-man rule. And Ogdenites simply cannot afford two more years of failure and drift, two more years of alibis but no answers.

I believe Ogdenites are fed up with six years of reckless borrowing and spending, tunnel-vision, council block-voting and machine politics. And I believe Ogden is desperate for leadership determined to involve citizens in finding new ways to revive Ogden city from her present economic doldrums.

That's why there are an unprecedented fifteen challengers running for four city council seats. I strongly believe that the city council -- in the right hands and with the right plans -- can be an effective force for the change Ogden so desperately needs.

We've got to be willing to shed the idea that one single small clique of single-minded and arrogant individuals holds a monopoly on all the good ideas, and recognize that tapping the "wisdom of the crowd" is the key to answering the great challenges we face in this city.

On economic development in particular, we Ogdenites can no longer blindly entrust and delegate the responsibility of improving our economic viability and quality of life to a single clique of individuals. By the same token, we know that we must actively participate in our government, by electing council members who will listen to us.

After all, we, too, have parents, spouses, children and siblings we love very much. We, too, care deeply about our friends, our co-workers, our neighbors and our city.

And we must not be reticent about communicating to "the powers that be" that we are dissatisfied with the present course of our city government, and that we will not idly stand by for another two years of grand failed schemes, cronyism and excuses.

Together -- and with your help -- we will fight to bring Ogden back!

The polls are now open. This is the most important primary in many years. It's time for the citizens of Ogden to take back our city.

The time is out of joint: O cursed spite, That ever you were born to set it right!

Aye, come, let's go to the polls together.


Anonymous said...

That wonderful photo of Ogden's own Ground Zero, accompanying Rudi's Oct. 2 posting, is all you need to know to oust the feckless Gang o' Six in today's primaries.

Is there any possible way to spin Ground Zero positively? Lawrence-of-Arabia chic, maybe?

RudiZink said...

Why thank you Mr. McConkie.

I've added the photo to the right sidebar, along with proper attribution.

Anonymous said...

Rise up o you sheep and flock to the polls and re-elect Yorgensen and Burdett. And we must not forget comrade Larsen! Our only hope is invested in the wolf's that circle and defend us.

No one else is guaranteed to deliver us and our wallets and our childrens future into the waiting hands of the high lord mayor and savior Matt of Midget Godfrey!

Only he holds the keys to the kingdom, only he can deliver us from the forces of evil, only he can rid us of the dark, the poor, the disposessed, only he has wisdom in the land of Oz.

Glasmann, Prisbey, Jeske are no good. They are only sniveling defenders of the rights of man and the dignity of the citizenry. They would only bring honor back to the city government, we must not allow this, for the common good of all upper class whites hang in the balance.


Anonymous said...

Prisbrey, larsen and hell no to jeske and glasmann

Anonymous said...

Glasmann got the board of realtors to back him when he virtually stands against everything the realtors stand for and are fighting for in ogden. Shame on you Bill Glasmann for your deceitful ways. Pretty pathetic for a Realtor who has been trying to sell his own "Executive" home for 6 years and its still not sold. This would be the definition of a guy who can't get things done.

RudiZink said...

I see you Mr. president!

Shall I post your IP address again; or are you going to start behaving yourself here?

Anonymous said...

Good Morning readers and voters alike, I want to thank you and Rudi for the opportunity to have had this forum to get info out about my candidacy and my strong feelings for Ogden and its future. As primary day is finally here I once again very respectively ask for your consideration as you venture to the polls.

Anonymous said...

So what have we here? Another post from the cowardly Mr. President, an ignorant guy totally oblivious of factual information who posts nothing of substance at any time, regardless of the subject matter. Hiding behind fake names, he sets off in a desperate attempt to distort and achieve nothing but the laughs of people aimed at him. He's absolutely has no meaning and is so recognized for it.

I will set a little of the record straight here, as I have done in the past in real estate related issues. I have known and worked with Bill Glasmann for over 8 years, and he has executed his profession with dignity and purpose. He lives in a Rambler/Ranch, not an "Executive" home and it is not for sale, least of all for 6 years. If Glasmann wanted to sell it, he would have it sold, as he is one of but a handful of Lifetime Sales Master Award winners, meaning he is among the Top 10% of Northern Utah realtors. He won this award, which takes five years to accomplish, in his first five years in the business, which not many realtors do in that period of time.

He's also a Broker, which takes 120 hours of schooling, a college graduate level test that must be passed, and 3 years of over a million dollars in transactions to achieve. Glasmann was among a select group of realtors with Wardley Corp who really nailed the exam and the qualifying. He was somewhat unique in that he qualified for his Broker's license before his 3 year Anniversary, and had to wait for the date to catch up with him.

Glasmann's the real deal when it comes to real estate, and that is why we endoprsed him, AFTER our interviews. Generally we endorse the incumbent, but we liked Glasmann's cut.

So, stein, laughing, president, whatever idiotic name you choose (you're smart to do so for you don't want anyone to know your true identity because you're basically a lughing stock), so much for your post.

Grow up and get a life, pal. You're a real bore.

Anonymous said...

Ozboy: to your recital of Elder Godfrey's accomplishments, I respectfully add that he has single-handedly vanquished the evil of demon rum and firewater from our public festivals and thoroughfares.

As H. L. Mencken said in 1940, "I'm for the reelection of FDR to a third term. He ought to be made to bury his own dead horse."

Except in Ogden, there's no carcass remaining. It's already several feet under, decomposing, aided by benzene, naphthalene, diesel, and tetrachloroethylene.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what is scarier, Republican skin heads or Republican, god-loving, Utah voters! This is the reason America is in bad shape -- the religious FREAKS of Utah!

Anonymous said...

Went to vote this afternoon.
Go Jorgenson, and Burdett.
I really hope they win, because they are on the brinks of helping Godfrey get somethings done around here.

Anonymous said...

Yea, what they are on the brink of helping the little twerp do is run our great town right into the dirt! The mall fiasco is just the beginning. When this house of cards falls it is going to drive Ogden into bankruptcy and disgrace.

There is not one single project these arrogant ignoramouses have done that is successful. Every thing they touch turns to shit.

Anonymous said...

Oh Doug,
I am afraid that you are going to be eating you words soon!

Anonymous said...

I don't know this President guy might just be on to something. He's a bit of a goof, but I was able to confirm that Glasmann has been trying to sell his house on and off since 98'. He seems like a really nice guy, But he makes me a nervous. Seems like he is determined to throw a wrench in all the work Godfrey has been doing.
I think there is a lot that is going to get accomplished in the next 2 years. The Gondola idea being the most positive in my mind.
I love the concept, and have seen the key players involved and believe it is going to happen.
All we need is someone voting down every good idea just because it came from Godfrey.

Anonymous said...

Godfrey has never had a "good idea".

He is a little man with big fantasies!

Anonymous said...

thanks bonnie lee

RudiZink said...

I'll tell ya what I'm going to do, Mr. President, aka "laughing at glasmann." I'm going to 'splain how the big boys do real eatate:

1)They buy a property
2)The next day they list it at a price that will satisfy their investment goals and "exit strategy."

If they happen to get a bonafide offer at their price, they snatch it up and sign on the dotted line.

It ain't complicated. That's what saavy real estate investors do, Mr. President. That doesn't mean they have "for sale signs" all over their lawns while they're frolicking in the pool or playing polo on the grassy back three acres.

It means they're willing to entertain offers at the right target exit price. The only way to GET offers is to have your property ON THE MARKET AT ALL TIMES.

I know nothing about Bill Glasmann's business strategy. But if it's true he's playing the same game billionaire real estate traders play every time they buy a property, then more power to him.

That'll be $1,000 bucks for your first lesson in smart real estate investment strategy, Mr. President.

Email me at my contact address so you can arrange to wire the funds.

Now go out into the street and play.

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