- My Utah Utes lead the Georgia Tech Yellowjackets 20-10 going into the Emerald Bowl half-time, much to the suprise of even many diehard Utah fans -- and the national sports press corps(e). Despite suffering a 20-0 deficit early in the first two quarters, the "jackets" seem to have found their "game." What will be the final result? Disgruntled BYU
losersfans are invited to chime in. - That uneducated moron Utah Senator Buttars has an "Intelligent Design" bill coming up in the next legislative session. Here's a link to his rank stupidity. Be sure to read ALL the comments.
AND PUH-LEASE! Let's not have anybody here tell me Senator Buttars is NOT a moron. Some things in life are self-evident.
This is your forum, gentle readers. If anyone wishes to get something "off their chest" during the current Weber County Forum "Holiday Hiatus," besides any of the above, please feel free to "do" it here.
You can discuss any of the suggested topics, or start a jagged one of your own.
You know what to do.
Who wants to be the first to post his/her comments?
Update 12/30/05 7:57 a.m. MT: A tip of the hat to Brad Wooden, of Ogden, whose most excellent and rational rant appeared in this morning's Standard-Examiner letters section. He hits the nail squarely on the head, in a cranky style and tone, well-worthy of a Weber County Forum Gentle Reader.
Update 12/30/05 1:48 p.m. MT: For those interested in a lively discussion of the "Intelligent Design" situation, Utah House Majority Whip Steve Urquhart has one happening on his blog.