Check out our new 2008 candidate roster
The Standard-Examiner has a couple of stories this morning, concerning the upcoming Weber County election 2008 legislative races.
Weber County Democrats announce that a full slate of nine Democrats have filed to run for the state legislature in this Marshall Thompson story; and Charlie Trentelman reports that incumbent GOP Congressman Rob Bishop faces two announced challengers for his 1st Congressional District seat, including one from within his own party.
As the April party conventions approach, we'll make a conscientious effort to keep our readers informed about who the candidates are for each party; and in this connection we've set up a Weber County legislative candidates page, which we'll keep updated as the final candidate selection process occurs. We'll also add this page in our upcoming elect 2008 module, in our right sidebar, shortly.
At present, we've added page links for those candidates who have web pages available through the public domain; we also invite all candidates to submit their own web pages, through the email link in our upper right sidebar.
Looks like a robust election season coming up.
And what say our gentle readers about all this?
Update 3/12/08 11:05 a.m. MT: This is too funny. This morning's Marshall Thompson story reports that a seeming political newcomer, "Ted Allen" has entered the House Leg. Dist. 10 race, upon the retirement of Democrat incumbent Lu Shurtliff. Being the curious type, we navigated to the Weber County elections page. And who is this Ted Allen guy? None other than Emerald City Gondolist D. Edger “Ed” Allen. That's right gentle readers... Boss Godfrey's father-in-law hisself!