Lots to chew over in the Standard-Examiner today
By Curmudgeon
OK, all you cheapskates. This morning, cough up a half a buck and buy a copy of the Standard-Examiner. Lots of interesting things in the paper today.
First, of course, the two articles Rudi quoted and linked to below.
Then an editorial taking the legislature to task for making it harder to challenge laws by referendum, calling the change retaliation for the defeat of school vouchers by referendum, and asking the governor to veto the bill. Cal's editorial cartoon on the topic is worth a look too.
Over in the business section, Mr. Schwebke has an article about MidCity's Clearfield project, the only one of the tree that seems to be still on track. Or so the developer claims, though construction has not begun yet. And it seems, they're doing feasibility studies to determine how large some elements of the project, like a public theater, ought to be. Imagine that: doing the research and getting the facts first. Will such a radical approach to planning make it's way to the crack Godfrey development team? We can only hope.
And, finally, there's an article on Mr. Southwick's intention to plead guilty in what another paper has called the largest financial fraud in the history of the state. The Std-Ex headline calls Southwick "a wanted man" though nothing in the story indicates he's on the lam.
So, lots to chew over in the Standard today.