Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gubernatorial Inauguration Report

Councilwoman Jeske reports on yesterday's Capitol Hill ceremonies

By Dorrene Jeske
Ogden City Council

I'd just like to share the wonderful experience I had at the State Capitol yesterday.
Hundreds of people were already seated and milling around the Capitol Rotunda a few minutes after 11:00 AM. It made one wonder if the seating was opened early. Even at that early hour, there were no seats available. The occasion was Ambassador Huntsman’s farewell speech and the inauguration of Lt. Gov. Gary R. Herbert as the 37th Governor of Utah. As I looked around, I saw Rep. Brad Dee, Rep. Kerry Gibson, Rep. Curt Oda, Rep. Neil Hansen, Sen. Scott Jenkins, Sen. Allen Christensen, Sen. Jon Greiner and many other members of the Legislature. I also saw former Ogden Councilman Robert DeBoer.

The Utah National Guard was in charge of the meeting. They did a very professional job, and the federal government would have been hard pressed to improve on the quality of the program. National Guard Adjutant General Brian L. Tarbet performed the duty of Master of Ceremony with dignity and preciseness. He acknowledged Greg Bell, the soon-to-be Lt. Governor, Speaker of the House, Representative Waddoups, and Utah Chief Justice Christine Durham. Carmen Herbert, daughter of Gary and Jeanette Herbert, sang a beautiful rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner.”

After Bishop Wester of the Salt Lake Catholic Church, gave the invocation, the Rotunda was filled with the melodic and beautiful strains of “America, the Beautiful,” sung by the American Festival Choir, accompanied by the Utah National Guard Orchestra.

Ambassador Huntsman stated that his decision to accept the position as U.S. Ambassador to China had left him with a feeling of emptiness. He said that he was leaving the most enjoyable and rewarding job that he had ever held. He praised Lt. Gov. Herbert and said that Utah is the best prepared state in the nation. Lt. Gov. Herbert has spent the last five years going throughout the State, meeting with local officials and business leaders promoting the joint “Are You Ready?” program. He wished continued success for a state that deserves the very best. He said that he was turning over to Governor Herbert a significant treasure and told him that it was his job to enhance its luster. “Serving has been a privilege and I felt your support. We are all Utahns working hard and with integrity for the greatest state in the nation. We represent the attitude of our great nation working together for the future.” The crowd was on its feet giving Ambassador Huntsman a standing ovation. The applause, whistling and cheering was loud and very long. A twenty-one gun salute paid tribute to him.

Governor Gary Herbert was sworn in as the 37th governor of Utah. The orchestra played John Phillip Sousa’s arousing “Stars and Stripes Forever” as the National Guard gave a 21-gun salute to our new governor. He received the same standing ovation, loud and long applause, whistling and cheering before and after he spoke.

“Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!” were his first words as Utah’s governor. “I cannot take the oath of governor without asking for help from a greater being.” He acknowledged Ambassador Huntsman’s skill and efforts by saying that Utah is the best managed state in the nation. He thanked Ambassador Huntsman for his service and economic dynamics as he assumes “this most important assignment. The State of Utah is most likely to be the first state to recover from the recession.”

“It is time for unprecedented partnerships to create economic stability. When we get the economy right, other things fall into place.” He mentioned companies like Winder Dairies of West Valley, and Gossner Cheese of Cache Valley. “They are successful entrepreneurs, and we must work with them, and with local businesses for continued success. We must recruit new businesses to come to Utah like Proctor & Gamble and EBay. We will make it happen.” He considers it “free enterprise” and free enterprise is freedom. “We need to work to promote free enterprise.”

“We place great value on education. Early pioneers sacrificed to make sure that their children had an education. Our success depends on our quality of education. We need to have a seamless education for our children. . . it is their passport to the world. It will help formalize a ‘Hands-on approach to working with all Stakeholders.’”

Energy will be his third issue to emphasize. “Utah has great resources. We must develop them wisely and responsibly. We need to be concerned with clean air and clean water.” He used the geo-thermal plant, the solar plant and other alternative energy sources as examples. “We must do our part to help the United States to be energy independent.”

He said that he had gratitude for our freedoms and that we must never take for granted the sacrifices of others that make it possible to live in peace and freedom today. “As government grows, liberty contracts.” (He received approval of that statement loudly and strongly.)

He said that we must live prudently. “We should not spend more than we earn, but live within our means. We should demand of government what we can pay for, and we should only pay for what we demand! Governments were created for the people and not the other way around. We should build from the bottom up so that we’re not top heavy.” (He received a long and loud applause at this point.)

He said that during the five and a half years, he has travelled throughout the state, and he will continue to travel listening and communicating with people. He said that the pioneers “made the desert blossom as a rose by working together. We need to follow them to make Utah successful. We can make Utah’s light shine as it never has before. We need to pledge to work together.” (I couldn’t help but compare Governor Herbert’s philosophy and method of operation for success in achieving goals with Mayor Godfrey’s approach of “don’t tell the Council anything, and work behind their back, and make plans behind closed doors so that they and the public don’t know what we’re doing.” Do you think Godfrey will ever catch on to the fact that communication, cooperation and working together are integral components for success?)

Ambassador Huntsman and Mary Kay left the Rotunda and said a few goodbyes. He removed his suit jacket, rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, donned a helmet and climbed aboard a big Harley Davidson. He took his place beside a Highway Trooper and led the motorcade off the Capitol premises.

President Thomas S. Monson gave the benediction. His first sentence was: “We are grateful for the opportunity to attend these ceremonies.” That was precisely how I and many others felt. The National Guard conducted everything with dignity and the proper décorum. The music was superb and more than once brought tears to my eyes and lodged a lump in my throat. The American Festival Choir sang their final song, “God Bless America.” I will close as they did:

“God Bless America, my home, sweet home!”

Editor's addendum: The Standard-Examiner has an associated press story on this topic up on its "live" website, along with a couple of interesting slideshows.

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