Wednesday, November 07, 2012

2012 Election Day Plus One - The Aftermath

Predictably, a big day for Utah GOP incumbents

The final 2012 General Election results are tallied, WCF readers.  Click the link below for Weber County Clerk Ricky Hatch's post-election tally sheet for those races which appeared on Weber County ballots:
The Standard is all over the post-election coverage; so we provide these selected stories, drilling down on the election aftermath.  Predictably, yesterday was a big day for GOP incumbents:
In the single surprise of the evening, it looks like GOP rising star Mia Love, who'd been leading in the polls through the pre-election runup, got edged out in the 4th District Congressional race by incumbent Democratic Congressman Jim Matheson:
The Standard also provides these stories concerning the important national races, for those GOP readers who may be living under a rock:
As an added bonus, here's a cranky graphic sent by one of our Libertarian friends:

Ron Paul sez what's already obvious
That's it, folks. So who'd like to throw in their own 2¢, now that the 2012 Dog&Pony Show is over?

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