Saturday, July 05, 2014

Ogden 4th Of July "Celebration" -- The Aftermath

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -- Albert Einstein

Via a couple of our social media friends, following last night's insane Ogden fireworks frenzy:

"Isn't one central celebration enough? Does the whole town have to sound like a War Zone for hours on end? Share if you think we should do something about this. Our pets and wild animals deserve more from us—they are terrified!":

Sodden Question: "Is this really necessary, Ogden, Utah?"

Having trouble breathing this morning, Ogden City Lumpencitizens? Here's why:

Click to Enlarge Image

"Weber County particulate levels over the last 5 days. 55 is "unhealthy", 155 is "very unhealthy", and 250 is "hazardous". However, those ratings are officially based on the 24-hour average (the blue curve), which is now just above 100 (and will remain there until tonight). Live data is here":
Take note of the troubling airborne particulates spike, which not-so-curiously coincides with last night's nerve-jangling Ogden public pyrotechnics overdose.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -- Albert Einstein

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