Remember, my fellow Utahns: Always Vote Republican!
Here's the lede from this morning's SE editorial, Peeps:
We're not at all surprised at the cypher of a Medicaid deal that a six-member group has "reached" to expand Medicaid in Utah. No one really expected the group to accomplish much; nevertheless, it's disappointing each time we consider what vulnerable Utahns lost when the House rejected Gov. Gary Herbert's Healthy Utah Plan.Read the full editorial, Ogden Lumpencitizens:
Through patient negotiation, the state had managed to retain its autonomy and compromise with the Obama administration, accepting the funds necessary to expand Medicaid per the Affordable Care Act. The state Senate wisely endorsed Healthy Utah.
Alas, a majority of the House allowed their loathing of all things Obama to supersede Medicaid progress, and rejected the deal, offering a piddling alternative ironically dubbed Utah Cares.
That's right. Rather than accept "free" Medicaid money from the Feds, the current crop of Utah GOP legislators would prefer to impose a new "medical provider" tax, which Utah hospitals and doctors will promply greeet with new fee increases.
Remember, my fellow Utahns: Always vote Republican! And I say this in the name of JESUS CHRIST AMERICA! Amen!