Read up, Peeps:Tonight, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will meet for their first debate. Here’s how to tune in for free online, even if you don’t have cable.
Scary, ainnit...?
The debate begins at 9PM ET/6PM PT.Host of NBC’s Nightly News Lester Holt will be moderating the debate. Tonight, all the questions will come from the moderator, but Facebook will be collecting questions throughout tonight’s debate for the next presidential debate on October 9th.
You're all invited to join in at any time on the anticipated discussion here on Weber County's FIRST and FOREMOST political blog.
Do NOT let the cat get your tongues... Be sure to throw in your own 2¢!
Update 9/25/16 9:42 p.m..: Exactly Right!
Update 9/25/16 9:42 p.m..: Exactly Right!
Update 9/27/16 10:55 a.m.: "How bad did it get? At one point, as Trump was groping blindly across the minefields of foreign policy, losing a foot here and a leg there, he announced, apropos of nothing, that “I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament.” Clinton smiled sweetly and exclaimed, “Whew, okay!” The audience at Hofstra University, sternly instructed to remain silent throughout the debate, ignored the rules and burst into laughter.
They were laughing at you, Donald, not with you."\
Update 9/27/16 3:50 p.m. Oh Shite. This sucks, eh fellow Republicans?