I've received several reader comments regarding yesterday's Grondahl cartoon. One reader emailed me and said that she was furious about it; and Ozboy also offered some provocative comments on the previous thread.
I haven't run a reader poll in this space yet, so perhaps it's time that I did. I've composed a few multiple-choice questions off the top of my head on this, but you can add your own option in the final box, and add additional comments when you check the poll results. You'll find the poll in the sidebar at the right of the screen. I realize, by the way, that not all of these choices are mutually exclusive. Just pick the "best" one, or type in one of your own in the box labelled "other."
Have at it.
Take the Grondahl Cartoon Poll
If anyone has any additional comments, please post them here.
This cartoon reflexs the true feelings that the Mayor, Council and SubStandard editorial board have for the fine folks that stood up to them and WalMart.
The hubris and patriaricle mentality of this clique in power in Ogden is truly distressing. It is beyond me how otherwise decent people could possibly think it is ok to screw people out of their homes, make a nice little 35 percent profit and sell the deal to the richest corporation in the world - at a discount! Since when did decent folks lose their constitutional rights just because they own property below wall? Where is the city's decency in any of this?
If WalMart is the right thing for that corner of Ogden, then they and the city can damn well pay fair prices for the property and compensate the people fairly for the inconvenience of having to disrupt their lives. Where do they get off going to church on Sunday and then on Monday figure out how to get these people's homes away from them on the cheap! I say shame on the whole sorry assed lot of them that played this cheesy little game. Thank the lord for Dorothy and the legislature for shutting the door on the scoundrels...
That's exactly right, Ozboy. To portray the good people who happen to live below Wall Avenue the way this Grondahl clown did, is demeaning and shows how many, who sit in self imposed lofty perches, look upon others who are less advantaged: in disdain.
There's a gentleman/councilman from Vermont, I think, the same state that Supreme Court Justice Soutre is from, named Logan Clements, I believe, who is planning to build a hotel there. The interesting point is that to locate the hotel where it will do the most good for the public, by collecting taxes, etc., the hotel will have to replace an existing home. The home is that of Justice Soutre. Eminent Domain, people, shoved right back in the face of the Supreme Court who issued the Kelo ruling. Wonder how Justice Soutre like that action; remember, be careful what you ask for....
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