Friday, June 24, 2005

Officious Civic Crybabies Go Down In Flames

I've received word from two reliable sources that the plaintiffs in the case Moyes v. Ogden, the anti-bond petition case which was the subject of discussion here and here, was unceremoniously blown out of court this morning, just as predicted.

Unceremoniously may not be the most accurate description, though. According to one report, the plaintiffs and their newly-retained (eleventh hour) attorney were thoroughly embarrassed during a prolonged grilling by judge Stewart, who asked some probing questions about their proposed legal theories and profferred evidence. Judge Stewart reportedly only brought down the gavel and dismissed the complaint (without leave of court to amend) after making suitable inquiry and satisfying himself that the plaintiff's action was entirely frivolous, absolutely without merit, and that the plaintiffs themselves were completely clueless.

I'll update this post as the facts develop.

06/25/05 Update: Scott Schwebke's Standard-Examiner report fleshes out more details of this story here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was there ever a doubt? This is business hardball, not some fanatical, Texas driven scheme orchestrated by a guy who can't even count the necessary number of ballots to have been turned in.

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