Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Get Thee to the Caucuses

The Standard-Examiner has run two pieces within the past two days urging the townsfolk to attend their neighborhood caucus meetings. The first was a letter to the editor yesterday, (pan right and scroll down below the editorial cartoon,) touting Davis county Republican meetings. This morning there was this strong lead editorial, extolling the value of grass-roots citizen participation, as a remedy for extremist politics.

In essence, both articles got it mainly right. The neighborhood caucuses are a very important part of the political process in the state of Utah. Because of the normally low attendance at these meetings, every attendee has political clout magnified well beyond "one man, one vote." As the Standard-Examiner points out, the caucus meetings are the initial step in the candidate culling process -- the initial proceedings in which the final candidates are separated from the also-rans.

If you haven't attended your party's neighborhood caucus meetings in the past, we urge you give it a try tonight. It's a unique opportunity to gather with your friends and neighbors to discuss and debate the important political issues of the day at the grass-roots level. If you've been alienated from the political process; the caucuses present an opportunity for you to genuinely re-engage.

For the convenience of our gentle Weber County Forum readers of all political stripes, you can find your local Democratic Party caucus locations at this link, and your local Republican caucus sites here. Both links are provided courtesy of the respective Weber County political parties, each of whose website is also linked in the Weber County Forum sidebar.

If you don't know the designation of your respective Weber County voting precinct, you can find it here, simply by clicking the link and entering your home address.

As an added convenience, we are also providing a link to the Weber County Clerk's website, for a complete list of all the candidates who are running for Weber County Offices, as well as other important 2006 election information.

Get the to the caucuses we say, gentle readers. Let your voices be heard.

Comments, anyone?

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