Monday, March 13, 2006

Write it Down So You Don't Forget It

As Per Usual, the neoCON Standard-Examiner editors were all weepy-eyed and bawling around March 6 of this year, bemoaning their constantly-declining and increasingly-illiterate readership, and the prospective Wal-Mart advertising money that was suddenly snatched from their grasp when Senator Curt Bramble ushered in last year's Senate Bill 184. This legislation clipped the wings of the socialist municipal land-grabbers, and brought to a sudden halt the evil practice of taking people's homes and businesses away, and transferring their properties to giant multinational corporations like Wal-Mart.

The shameless lackeys of the "Suits from Sanduskey" published a petulant editorial on March 6, 2006, which brought tears of joy and redemption to the eyes of all statist central planners and schemers. Big Government Socialist Lackeys all over Weber County were passing around the kleenexes, sniffling, boo-hoo-hooing, and accusing Senator Bramble of rank hypocrisy with this year's SB 245 -- patting the neoCON Std-Ex editors on the back all the while.

Here's the naive and preposterous Std-Ex piece, just in case you missed it.

Senator Bramble contributed his common-sense retort to the "local rag" today, and set the record straight. You can read the whole article here.

And the answer is NO! Senator Curt Bramble IS NOT a hypocrite, as you'll conclude when you read his article. On the contrary, he's a hero to property rights advocates and all true Americans everywhere.

As usual, the business-inexperienced and ad revenue-grubbing Std-Ex editors over-generalized, missed the point and set up a mendacious strawman.

Hello Standard-Examiner editors: Taking away people's homes and businesses, and giving them to giant multinational corporations is morally wrong!

Curt Bramble knows that. Over 95% of the American people know that, according to national polls. The Ogden townsfolk know that too.

So WTF is wrong with the Standard-Examiner editors, we ask?

Here it is again: Seizing people's homes and businesses and giving them to Wal-Mart is morally wrong. The Std-Ex editors should write this down so they don't forget it.

So should the botched "little Napoleon on nine."

Comments, anyone?

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