Your humble blogmeister begs his gentle readers' indulgence this morning for neglecting to post any new material over the past several days. Rudi has been immersed in local partisan politics since late last week, and the demands of his political party have temporarily interfered, unfortunately, with his self-appointed obligation to supply his Weber County Forum readership with ample quantities of fresh, intellectually nutritious "red meat."
Several interesting items were deposited in the WCF email inbox over the weekend, though; and we thought it would be fitting to launch a new discussion thread this morning with one of those: a Standard-Examiner reader letter that appeared in the Saturday edition. Cal Hansen of North Ogden posits that the Ogden Townsfolk ought to judge Chris Peterson NOT by his many promises, but by his proven performance to date. Mr. Hansen asks the important question, Do we want Chris Peterson for a neighbor?
Mr. Hansen refers to some Sierra Club documentation. You can view some of that material here on the Ogden Sierra Club website. Perhaps these photos constitute evidence relevant to Mr. Peterson's most recent meme -- that he intends to develop his property only according to "green development principles."
Chris Peterson is glibly making many promises to this community, in order to induce us into transferring our last remaing east bench undeveloped property to him. For a quick rundown of Chris's sales pitch, you can find summations here, here and other places on the web. Whether it is proper for Mr. Peterson's promises to be aggressively displayed on the Ogden City website (The Ogden City Council expressly denies having come out in favor of the project) presents a separate question, of course.
We at Weber County Forum believe however that Mr. Hansen's letter raises a very fundamental question that is worthy of careful examination.
Do Chris Peterson's past deeds demonstrate that he is worthy of our future trust?
Please chime in, gentle readers. We believe it's time for a full discussion of this issue.
Anyone who can offer examples of circumstaances where Chris Peterson has ever performed as promised are invited. So far we have no evidence that Chris Peterson has accompished anything notable in life... save marrying a Billionaire's daughter.
The floor is open for your always gentle comments. It's time to roll up our sleeves -- and get back into the blogging groove.
Comments... anyone?