Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wimps Need Not Apply For Ogden Government

Is the present sitting Ogden City Council hopelessly infected with the RDA Disease?

Dr. Rudi's initial medico-political professional diagnosis: Yes.

We couldn't believe our eyes when we read this Std-Ex story .

The moribund and Godfrey-lackey city council apparently agreed last night to borrow the Shupe-Williams wind-fall insurance payoff from Ogden city, and to plow it all into the Ogden City-Godfrey Real Estate Crap-Shoot.

Did they vote to apply it to the rotting water infrastructure, whereby some Ogden residents get big chunks of red metal, when they try to pour a glass of water from their kitchen taps?

No. Ogdenites will continue to pour their tap-water through seives, and recycle the metallic chunklets @ Bloom Recylers.

Did the council decide to apply this $2.5 Million to some of the overhanging public debt that currently plagues this city?

No. They'll take the Shupe-Williams windfall and roll the dice at Wendover. Bobby Geiger will be whispering in their ear. "Screw the infastructure," Bob will say. "We can go properly broke later."

Is there even a reason to HAVE an Ogden City Council?

No. They are now a pack of brain-numbed Godfrey rubber-stamp lackeys, just like the LAST city council.

Most of the current council seems to have caught Matt Godfrey's RDA disease, we believe. It appears to be highly contagious, according to recent local epidemiologico-political evidence.

The RDA will borrow the $2.5 million windfall from Ogden city, and apply it to the ridiculous Godfrey "River Project" without even batting a blurry eye.

Then Godfrey will re-sell it to a developer croney at a loss; and claim he's a friggin' real estate genius. That is Godfrey's proven MO: "Giveaway Godfrey," they'll call him in the history books!

Applying this chunk of windfall money to the Riverfront Project is worse than reckless, we submit. We at Weber County Forum are assuming that the councilpeople who voted for this were in some kind of Godfrey-induced stuporous hypnotic coma and will be later able to supply an exculpatory note from their psychiatrist(s) to explain this logical aberration.

Wethinks there will be several other city councilpersons ejected in the next election, along with the evil Mayor, Matt Godfrey.

It's truly sad that we can't just eject this whole corrupt and mind-numbed bunch right now, and fill their 8 seats right away.

Well... we can't do that, unfortunately.... the government has rules about kicking out incompetents.

This is something we predict, however.

The rest of them -- Safsten, Stephenson and Godfrey will be looking for private-sector jobs by late November 2007.

None of the new council, nor any of them who were elected most recently (Jeske excepted, and Stephens, possibly) will ever be elected to Ogden City public offices again.

Ogden city is tired of "wimps."

We'll keep politicking until we elect a slate of candidates who are fiscally-responsible, morally straight, have a "set" of "brass...youknowwhats..." and also know the meaning of the word "NO."

And that's our post for this day, thank you very much.

The time of reckoning is dawning, we think, sooner for some,... later for others.

Comments, anyone?

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