If you don't forcefully speak out now, our elected decision makers will be perfectly justified in believing that you don't give a hoot what they do
As a followup to yesterday's WCF article, and for the benefit of those Ogden residents who haven't yet offered Ogden City elected officials their formal input regarding Ogden City's ongoing water rate study, The Standard-Examiner carries a story this morning reporting that a survey is now available for residents on the Ogden City website:
Supplementary info is available via this web-based pdf file:
Here's the link for those Ogden residents who'd like to take action and participate in this survey, which will remain open for your online input until April 27:
The Mayor and council seem hellbent to ram further water rate increases and an additional $12.9 million in expensive bonding down Ogden City residents' throats. Water conservation incentives have remained entirely ignored. If you don't forcefully speak out now, our elected decision makers will be perfectly justified in believing that you don't give a hoot what they do.
Fill out the survey. It only takes a couple of minutes, folks.
It probably wouldn't hurt to follow it up with an email, too... you know... to address the issues the survey left out:
Comments, anyone?