Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Surprise of Surprises: Utah GOP Suddenly Plans to "Move Toward" Complying with New Election Law - Updated

What a difference a day makes, eh gentle readers?

In the aftermath of Monday's WCF story, wherein we revealed that Chairman James Evans of the Utah GOP was conducting a survey to tap the lumpencitzens' opinions in re the his party's ongoing interest in thwarting the percived ill effects of the new SB54 "dual track"political nominations law, we find these two illuminating stories in the Utah online media today, seemingly indicating that stubborn Utah GOP "leadership" seems suddenly poised to engage in a major, 180-degree flip-flop.

"It doesn't mean we have to accept [the new law] or we have to approve it was done, but we have a responsibility as a governing body and the delegates have a responsibility to make sure we can be prepared for 2016 and it's my responsibility to make sure we can get to that point," GOP state party Chairman James Evans reluctantly admitted Tuesday.

Read up, folks.
What a difference a day makes, eh gentle readers, now that early polling results are rolling in, especially with GOP Chairman James Evans now realizing that he has a sane August GOP convention challenger breathing down is throat?
And BTW, here's another link to the ongoing GOP SB54 survey, for those possibly "neglectful" WCF readers who might have forgotten to throw in their own 2¢:
Update 5/14/15 8:00 a.m.: Republican leaders say they have a lot of lobbying to do in order get delegates on board with the changes required by the "Count My Vote" compromise that passed the legislature last year:
Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones.

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