Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Where's the Beef? -- Open Thread

One of our gentle readers has made it clear in an earlier thread that he's "licking his chops" to get on with some red meat discussion here, and I'm happy to accommodate him. Inasmuch as Rudi will be pre-occupied into the mid to late afternoon with certain pressing real-life obligations, he probably won't get around to posting a new substantive article until later on in the afternoon today.

With that in mind, here's an open thread. Feel free to get the hot coals going, and don't hesitate to start broiling up what ever red meat you've brought with you. Let's make it "pot luck" until Rudi gets back.

One possible topic that you might want to discuss -- and this is just a suggestion -- is the table manners of some of our gentle readers, with respect to certain city council candidate newcomers whom Rudi's invited here.

Rudi's already getting concerned emails about this.

What sort of etiquette ought to be observed here, anyway? Will we treat our new guests with dignity and respect -- or will we behave as baboons here at Rudi's picnic table?

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