The Lift Ogden group's year-long "stealth marketing campaign" has been a true masterpiece of guerilla marketing psychology. The gondola "buzz" truly resounds throughout Ogden... or so we are told by those "in the know."
Can the
And another Std-Ex story this morning confirms what Weber County Forum regulars have known for almost a week. The City of Ogden is indeed the payee/beneficiary on a $2.5 million insurance policy, resulting from the Shupe-Williams fire. A tip of the hat to our gentle and intrepid readers, for breaking this story on our comments pages first.
An additional hat-tip to the Mayor's administration too, for having had the prescience to have insured the old building for five times what she was actually worth.
Who would have the audacity to argue now that the Ogden City administration is in any way lacking in the "vision" department?
The floor is now open, gentle readers.
What are your thoughts of today?
Update 3/29/06 12:32 p.m. MT: Rumor of the Day -- A group of people are going to the Lift Ogden Meeting this evening to inquire what it takes to attend it. As Dave Hardman, the President of the Ogden/Weber Chamber of Commerce, seems to be sponsoring it, some feel that it should be public. It also seems that some members of the Chamber were not even invited, and there is a question about the propriety of this.
If I insured my $200,000 house for $1,000,000 - five times its value, and then it burned down, the insurance company would only pay the $200,000 it was worth. Even if I paid the premium on the million!
How does the city get away with this? Soemthing is definately fishy here.
Bingo, Norman!
Let's hear MORE on this!
Rotten, putrid Carpfish is what this smells all about...
Let's hear it, gentle readers...
Uncle Matt made me do it.
I didn't want to, but he made me.
So half a mill is what the architects would have valued it at? As norm implies if it was only worth half a mill the insurance company would never have insured it for 2.5.
A member of the public tonight at city council meeting, during the comment phase, stated that he had info about the Shupe Williams fire he had obtained from, I think it was, the police and/or administration. He wanted this to be on the public record. Here is what it was.
That the alarm went off at roughly 6 PM. At about 6:30, officers and a city manager met at the building and walked around the outside, determining to their satisfaction that the entrances were secure.
The alarm went off again. At this time, an entrance Was Made.
The purpose of this entrance was to Disable the Alarm.
A full search of the building was not made.
The gentleman ended his comments by stating how disturbing this was, that obviously, whoever was inside was allowed to proceed with what they were doing.
That's right, Dian. And Steve Smith, who is one of the museum pushers said artifacts were stored at the BDO and were SOLD by the city!
It's more than Carpfish, Rudi....the admin bldg smells like a fish MARKET after the power went off in the freezer days ago.
Mayor 'answered' 3 questions tonight..but, had a lapse of memory on being quizzed about his trips to Italy and London, D.C., etc. About not telling us rabble before hand nor after he came back exactly went on. What did he learn? Was it beneficial to our city? And so on. Matt did a lot of whispering with Patterson while being 'scolded', but neglected to address these remarks. Surprised?
Ed Allen sent an invitation by letter to an 'outsider' to attend the non public meeting tomorrow night! Allen must think this 'outsider' will report 'good in Ogden'. hah! Not this outsider!!!
Channel 13 showed up tonight. Rode in the elevator with me. Came about the fire....reporter said he'd been hearing that there were 'suspicions' about the Shupe-Williams Bldg fire! I don't know if he stuck around for Rulon Yoragsen to give a statement about the city's insurer (may only be ONE), and the 2.5. mil on the bldg. Yeah, I'd say there are plenty of suspicions.
Watch Ch 13 anytime from 5 to 9 am tomorrow and see if anything makes it on the air.
The Marshall White Center supporters were there...made a full house. Mrs. Keeling was very articulate and gave a great talk and rundown on the doings with the Salvation Army, to date. Too bad that neither Safsten nor Stephenson have AT LARGE seats....she'd be an asset to the Council!
Ned said...
That's right, Dian. And Steve Smith, who is one of the museum pushers said artifacts were stored at the BDO and were SOLD by the city!
FYI, the disposal of artifacts at DDO was done under the direction of a guy named Michael Pavic? who once worked for Ogden City. He unloaded hundreds of thousands of dollars of everything you can imagine and not even getting 1 cent on the dollar. Lots and lots of artifacts that Pavic classified as "junk" just vanished into thin air. It is rumored that Lord Mayor Matthew G is said to have fired, thats right fired Pavic. Told him to pack his bags and hit the road and threatened to bring him up on charges if he didn't. Rumor has it that he was under investigation by multiple, thats right multiple federal agencies. Rumor has it that they are still trying to straighten out the mess Pavic created. Rudi Rudi bo budi, rumor has it that you are a practicing attorney and if you chose to that you know what government agencies to contact to find out the result of the charges by the Feds. I suspect that Steve Smith, and the rest of the museum pushers would kiss your ring if you could get all of the "junk" artifiacts back.
Spyglass sound 'in the know', that's right, in the know. Sound like SG as inside info, that's right, inside info. Tell us more good stuff, that's right, more good stuff!
Spy a little, spy a lot
give us, give
what you got!
that's right, give us what you got!
I no spy
can't see with one eye
need glasses to spell
for the masses
Ok every one look at this,
and lets show up in force. but remember this is a stealth meeting so where your camofloge.
I thought you might be interested in this discussion by some WSU
professors and Mayor Godfrey. It's today, Wednesday, March 29th at
the Wattis Business Bldg, Smith Lecture Hall, Room 207 from 12:00 to
1:15 pm
lets get the word out and pack this place.
it is open to the public.
Here is the headline billing for the WSU campus event today involving Hizzonah Mayor Godfrey:
Come discuss business ethics with Mayor Godfrey and Professors Gomberg, Powell, and Mourtisen
Hmmm.... Got me thinking again about the old game of writing titles for short... very short... books. Like Nazi Humanism or The Art of Irish Cooking. Now we can add to the list Mayor Godfrey's Guide to Ethical Conduct.
Brilliant idea for the little lord's new book! "Mayor Godfrey's Guide to Ethical Conduct."
It surely will enter the guiness book of world records as the shortest book in history - even shorter that the fabled "Complete listing of Italian war hero's"
I'll publish that! And perhaps see you there?
What a bore to attend the Ethics discussion...unless you're into patent infringments.
Godfrey didn't show!
Powell had nothing to say...didn't seem to understand the issues.
On 'right and wrong'...a young girl said, "well what's right for me, may not be for you" and wasn't challenged by the 'ethic' experts! Guess Godfrey wan't needed after all....when this trio of dopes are in his league.
Come to the meeting. When we get turned away, Scott Swebske will have to report on it.
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