Saturday, October 28, 2006

Something to Chew Upon During the Weekend

We find several very interesting items in this morning's news:

1) From Kristen Moulton's Salt Lake Tribune story:

Two environmental groups are taking issue with the number of jobs Ogden City contends would be created by a gondola system and mountain ski resort above the city.

In a news release Friday afternoon, Save Our Canyons and the Ogden Sierra Club said that the number of jobs the city expects will be directly created by the proposed gondola and resort falls far short of what the city has been projecting.
For the convenience of our gentle readers, we've obtained and uploaded a JPEG version of the subject non-public document obtained by these two activist groups via their GRAMA request. The document is available for viewing here. Perhaps a few of our gentle readers will chime in, and expand upon this purported disparity.

2) It appears that the long-awated Mark Decaria "Vangate" report will actually be made public prior to the election, according to this morning's Standard-Examiner story:
OGDEN — Results of a nearly three month investigation into the suspension of a police officer whose wife was spotted driving a van adorned with a sign criticizing Ogden Mayor Matthew Godfrey and the city’s ticket writing policy is expected to be released Monday, according to Weber County Attorney Mark DeCaria.

DeCaria was applying finishing touches Friday to the report that is expected to run several pages. He declined to disclose the investigation’s findings, pending the release of the report.
While we've received unfulfilled teasers on this subject before, we spoke with County Attorney Decaria yesterday, who personally confirmed that his report will be available early next week. Mr. Decaria also assured us that your ever-humble blogmeister is right there on his media email list, so we'll post whatever information we get, as soon as it becomes available. Presumably, you'll be reading about it here, in advance of the print media.

3) In related news, The Standard-Examiner reports that Ogden City, along with a pair of Ogden's Finest, have been named as defendants in a lawsuit stemming from last year's fatal collision, in which a fleeing suspect recklessly broad-sided a vehicle at the intesection of 24th Street and Grant Avenue, killing two occupants. Among the named defendants is the unfortunate OPD officer Matt Jones, whose recent professional experience seems to painfully demonstrate the truth of the old folk axiom" When it rains, it pours."

4) Inasmuch as we took the day off yesterday, and thus failed to report the latest developments in our again-simmering Senate 18 race, we link yesterday's Standard-Examiner story, which reports that the evil neoCON Stuart Reid is once again back on the campaign trail, with Chief Greiner expected (by us) to return to the hunt early in the week. And yes, gentle readers, Mr. Greiner's legal counsel appears to be well aware of the Richard Perkins case, which you read about first, right here on our Weber County Forum electronic pages.

Have at it gentle readers.

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