Saturday, June 07, 2008

KSL Chimes In On The Ogden Lobbyist Brouhaha

An invitation to set the record straight, regarding the "thoroughly botched" Ogden City mayor (Otherwise aka Emperor of Ogden, aka Mayor "Boss" Goofrey)

One of our more alert and gentle readers informs us that KSL News has a brief article on its website, reporting on the same Ogden City lobbyist bouhaha that we highlighted earlier this week.

The factually lean KSL article adds absolutely nothing to the facts to our earlier discussion, although the the article-following comments are pure Weber County Forum "red meat".

We urge all well-informed Weber County Forum readers to visit the KSL site, if for no other reason than to to inform the nitwits within KSL's broad and generally ill-informed Salt Lake City audience about the troubles we've had in Ogden, dealing with the juvenile little Tyrant Twerp.

Rumor has it that Boss Godfrey has aspirations for higher political office; and somehow we don't think Utahns outside Ogden actually realize what a sleazy and creepy little mundane ''POS" Godfrey really is.

Post your comments about Godfrey here or on the KSL website; We don't really care.

Whatever you do however... be reasonably polite if you post to the KSL site. Remember that the Salt Lake City Mo-Mo Crowd bristles at bad language.

From here, we turn the discussion over to our ever-savvy readers. Last one out of the room: Please turn out the lights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When thinking of Godfrey and Froerer, the small agile musteline carnivores with short legs and a long, bushy tail which feeds on rats, mice, birds, eggs comes to mind. Another more human characterization is a "Sly and cunning or sneeky person (without morals, ethics, or morays) which avoids or evades a commitment or responsibility".

This characterization seems to fit both Godfrey and Froerer perfectly. A "little weasel" has the ability to suck out the contents of an egg without destroying the shell.

I thus nominate Boss Godfrey and Gage Froerer as twin nominees for the "Little Weasel" empty undamaged egg shell.

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