Monday, December 09, 2013

Publius Online: Background on All Candidates for Utah Attorney General - Updated

The Utah Republican State Central Committee will vote for three names to send to Governor Gary Herbert on Saturday

As our latest installment in the John Swallow political corruption saga, we're delighted to provide a link to this top-notch rundown of the 9 candidates vying to take the reins as "top dog" in the Utah Attorney General's office:
"The Utah Republican State Central Committee will vote for three names to send to Governor Gary Herbert on Saturday," the Publius Online blog reports.

A Weber County Forum Tip O' The Hat to Utah political gadfly and blogger Daniel Burton for compiling and publishing this most robust and information-rich A.G. candidate "short list."

Update 12/9/13 9:39 a.m.: We learn from one of our Gentle Readers that there are a huge number of people on the Utah GOP State Central Committee looking for information on what the public thinks....The entire SCC list is available on the GOP website." Here are the relevant links, for those WCF readers who'd like to offer their own input (for what it may be worth):

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