Predictably, this group has created quite a stir in the American southwest, and indeed even south of the border. For those who are unfamiliar with this group, you can read more about them here, here, and here. Surprise of surprises, there also seems to be at least one "official website", which seeks volunteers and solicits donations.
Until now, It had appeared that this group's activities were confined to those areas of the United States adjacent to the Mexican border. That's apparently not quite the case however. According to Salt Lake City Weekly, the group has been quite active (and politically effective) in Utah, too. As today's City Weekly reports this morning, this group (or an affiliate) may have been effective in lobbying for recently-enacted Utah legislation which could be fairly-characterized as "anti-immigrant." This is a fascinating wrinkle in the local political landscape, I think; and it's something that seems to have been ignored by the establishment Utah print and broadcast media. For those interested in the issue you can read the City Weekly article here.
This story hasn't entirely gone unnoticed in the the Ogden area however, as City Weekly reports:
El Ogdentino, an Ogden, Spanish-language newspaper, devoted its April issue to minutemen from Utah and elsewhere who traveled to Arizona, concluding in an editorial they were “terroritas-racistas” hiding behind the cause of national security.For my own part, I found this City Weekly article to be more than slightly disturbing. What about our gentle Weber County Forum readers though? Do you believe this group are "true patriots," defending our national sovereignty, as these "minutemen" contend? Or are they just the usual tiny group of wacko xenophobes who fear anyone -- and everyone -- who's even a little bit different from them?
“These racist persons believe we Latin Americans are plotting to take over this country. … [that] we are a criminal band and we come to destabilize their well-being,” a newspaper editorial said.
Chime in readers! It would be interesting to hear your views on this.
The Minutemen are doing right. I have been privy to see them in action and it is not the fear of "someone different" that they patrol the borders, it's the fact that our Southern borders are sieves for illegals, criminals, and terrorists, all of whom NEED to get into our country for nefarious reasons. We must be ever vigilant.
Give me a break! Do you really think that fat assed dude sitting in the lawn chair with a sign is going to keep terrorists out of the land of Oz?
They are just a bunch of losers that need to get a life.
Their wife's are probably behind most of it, as it gets the idiots out of the house. Down south the dip shits wear sheets and ride around terrorizing innocent people. Now there is your real terrorists!
These fools just get in the way of our already hard pressed border patrol.
I stand by my remarks. The guy in the lawn chair is just taking a break before he goes on patrol. Pity the terrorist he catches. And the Minutemen assist the Border Patrol, they don't get in the way.
WOW, I sure have been sleeping a whole lot better since these lard asses and drunks have been protecting the border from Osama!
One of the reasons I support this in California is because illegal immigrants are getting free health insurance and driving up car insurance rates. Obviously, the cost does come back to someone, and it is the middle-lower class who has to bear the burden, as our rates go higher.
Just got word that the "fat-assed dude" is going on patrol this afternoon. That being said, dinner should taste great and a good night sleeps in the offing for Bonnie Lee!
Hey Rud, I believe that we have seen enough of the fat guy on the lawn chair. Like most of you heathens, you know, Bush and that crew, he's just taking up space with no definitive purpose.
Where the hell's Viktor the Restrictor? At 83 the old guy has me worried.
There was a great article in the July 21 issue of City Weekly on these Bozo's. A revealing look at delusional beliefs and behavior...
Quite agreed.
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