By Don Porter - Editor
I was out of the office all last week on vacation, and so only checked back this morning to read any further postings in response to my essay on the S-E relocation. Here's some other information that is worthy of note, and might answer the persistent critics:
Scott [Trundle -- former Std-Ex publisher] also looked seriously at property in Davis County. By moving to BDO, Scott kept us in Ogden city. Our property taxes at our new site are considerably higher than they were downtown. (We built a new press building at BDO which exceeds 100,000 square feet; this added considerably to the value of the property.)
So the city ended up a big winner because of the 5013C tax-free exchange of property. This is just the opposite of what happens in an RDA, with the city losing incremental tax revenues.
Don Porter
editorial page editor