The first is a guest commentary by Wayne April, an Ogden resident who was active in the unsuccessful anti-mall-bond petition drive a couple of months ago. He theorizes that Mayor Godfrey will not run for a third mayoral term, based on an "observation" made at an unspecified meeting not long ago.
At a recent meeting, I asked Ogden Mayor Matthew Godfrey if it was true that he did not intend to run for re-election in the next mayoral race. His only response was a coy smile.From this off-hand gesture Mr. April bootstraps a fantastic grand conspiracy theory, which goes something like this:
Ogden City is "broke" and mayor Godfrey knows it. Notwithstanding this knowledge, the mayor is wilfully barreling ahead with the Rec Center project, even knowing it's doomed from the start. Mayor Godfrey continues to borrow and spend, hypothesizes Mr. April, because he plans to depart from city hall a little over two years from now, thus avoiding the indignity of dealing with the inevitable loan defaults which will occur right about that time. It'll be somebody else's problem, Mr. April further hypothesizes, when Mayor Godfrey's succussor-in-office is forced to clip the taxpayers with a remedial tax increase, necessitated by a "moral obligation" to "cover" Mayor Godfrey's defaulting loans and bonds.
I am not making this up. You can read Mr. April's guest commentary here.
The only factor that Mr. April glaringly leaves out, gentle readers, is his undisclosed owner-operator interest in a climbing center in Harrisvile, which will become a main business competitor of the Ogden Rec Center climbing wall, unless Mr. April can succeed in bringing the Rec Center project to a halt. I'm certain however, gentle readers, that this factor in no way influences Mr. April's position regarding the Ogden Rec Center project.
The second article is today's main editorial, which also lambastes public planners for botched Recreation Center planning. The subject Rec Center isn't the one on Ogden, however. What the Standard-Examiner editorial board complains about is one that's planned for Centerville, in Davis County.
It seems that the residents of Centerville approved $20 Million in bonding in 2004, to construct their own recreation center. Now that the final estimates are in however, the project will go over-budget by some thirteen percent, due to increased materials costs.
The Centerville City fathers are now scrambling to make the project go, one way or another, either by raising the extra funds, or cutting back project amenities.
I'm linking this article here, not only because Weber County Forum has a substantial number of readers in south Davis county, but also because I wonder whether this Davis County debacle portends the future for our own Rec Center project here in Ogden City.
Will the $17-19 million dollars now projected to be required for the Ogden Recreation Center be sufficient? Or will our local RDA and city government find itself scrambling, due to the the unanticipated, but steadily-rising costs for necessary contruction materials?
As an added bonus for Grohndahl fans, this morning's Std-Ex editorial is accompanied by this great companion illustration:
Feel free to comment on either of these articles, or anything else you choose.
Regardless of whether Mr. April is right or wrong in the bulk of his commentary, one point is very clear.
When public officials engage as active "principals" in community development, particularly real estate, they're always free to pack their bags and move on if things go sour.
Private investors and developers can't do that. They have to live with the financial consequences of their mistakes, because they always have a personal stake in the action.
Stuart Reid gave us a good object lesson when he abruptly "took a hike" about a week ago. We can surely expect to see a few more of our downtown boy geniuses do the same if the ponzi-scheme that seems to have been created in Ogden City begins to unravel at the ends.
This is a primary reason that government should not undertake real estate development. With no personal financial stake at risk, government bureaucrats can willingly ignore risks that private business would deem entirely imprudent. Why should public officials appreciate "risk," when they have nothing tangible on the line?
Mr. April may be entirely correct, and Ogden City residents may very well be on the verge of learning yet another hard lesson on why city government should stick to the basics of managing and maintaining only the fundamental municipal infrastructure, such as roads, schools, parks, and water resources.
As for April's reasoning as to the Mayor maybe not running in 2 years, there's another. I have it on good source that he'll run but he expects to be defeated, and that's why he's pushing these schemes across the table in such a frenzy....because he only has 2 more years to make his mark.
If we ignore the ignoramous, the president, maybe the little nitwit will just fade away.
If I remember correctly, when the mayor ran for re-election, he said that he was in the MIDDLE of what he wanted to get done and wanted to have four more years to finish them and leave
Stan O....a very fine analysis, to be sure. I only hope that some of our council members will read it, but even if they do, but except for Wicks and Garcia most are still apt to be wearing their blinders and not consider any of what you wrote. What a shame.
EC may be closer to the truth than we think, as per the Mayor and his re-election. The guy can feel the heat and he's been heard to comment that he knows he's in trouble because of his arogance and failed, money loosing projects. But, just as Stuart Reid did, he'll go gently into the night (gawd I love some of these phrases) and enter the private sector (that's the business world outside of government, president), there to let others rehabilitate his damages to the city.
Really glad to see that the president is sticking around, sort of like a dog turd on the sole of your shoe. No matter how hard you try, you can't wipe him off and the stink is unbearable.
Rudi, I really think it is time to modify your stance on censorship just a little and delete these childish entries by "president". They are really dragging this blog down, they absolutely add nothing intelligent or humorous to the dialogue. I feel if he is allowed to continue cluttering things up with his inane comments that serious and concerned people will log out and not come back. This would be a shame as this blog fills an enourmous gap that exists in Ogden because we lack a credible local news source.
Woah, hold on a minute. No rec center is being built in Centerville (we're just getting that poorly zoned Wal-Mart, remember?). The bond was for building a new rec center facility in place of the existing one on 4th North in Bountiful. Centerville is just one of the five towns (the others being Bountiful, West Bountiful, Woods Cross, and North Salt Lake) that are contributing tax money to the project. No offense Rudi, but check your sources next time. I'll tell you what though, those people at who were so opposed to the rec center project are probably feeling very justified after the revelations about the setbacks with the project.
As much as I hold dear the 1st Amendment, I have to go along with Thomas Luke. The time has come to rid ourselves of this clown the president, before he does serious damage to our blog. His contributions are anything but. They're totally meaningless and an embarassment to decency. Once 8-balled, you might even think to proof read similar posts from others of his ilk. It won't be hard to discern what moniker he's operating under.
My apologies, Centerville Citizen.
I confess I'm probably not up to par re what's happening in southern Davis County. Keeping tabs on what's happening in Weber County damn near amounts to a full-time job.
Please feel free to update us, and tell us what's actually going on down south.
Your comments are always appreciated, and my gut feel is that we in Weber County will benefit a lot from your observations and comments.
I think both our "sister counties"
have much in common.
Centerville Citizen is right. The city responsible for this debaucle is not Centerville, but Bountiful. The Bond for this passed by a narrow margin. Perhaps the planners were afraid that asking for more money than they did would have doomed the project? Weber County Citizens would be wise to learn from Davis Counties mistakes.
It's ok, Rudi. I appreciate all your work that you do on this blog. I need to follow your example and keep my blog up to a higher standard. Part of the reason why I'm interested in Ogden politics is because there are a lot of similarities with Centerville. Like Ogden, Centerville also has an aloof city council, a worthless mayor, and a Wal-Mart project that most citizens are weary about. Centerville also has an RDA that is completely unnecessary. All of the commercial area in our town would have been developed easily just by the demand of our growing population. And how do you redevelop a field? How can a field be a "blighted area?" Actually my dad's a native Ogdenite, and some of my ancestors were some of Ogden's first settlers, so I guess that's also part of why I'm interested.
Centerville citizen:
You ought to connect with Tom Owens in Farmington. He is one of our most vocal critics of Ogden's arrogant elitest government. Understand he has another war brewing with the neocon mayor and council in Farmington. He is an Ogden native and it might help you to get to know him. He is an ass kicker - that's with a "K"! A year or so ago he helped organized the storming of the Davis County commision when they tried to raise taxes by 138%
No arrogant and phony politician is safe in his presense.
Tyler and Centerville Citizen:
Thanks to you both for checking in and commenting.
My tracking software shows many "hits" from Davis County.
If you add up my Davis County and Salt Lake County hits, they actually outnumber those from my own home base, Weber County.
Keep on checking in, guys. I appreciate your attention here.
Boy o Boy Rudi you sure screwed the chicken on this one! Talk about killing the messenger!!
You may make fun of this Wayne April guy cause he has been associated with our resident nut case Moyes, but shame on you for casting dispersions on his message. It was right on and to the point and chillingly accurate in it's assesment of the Lord Mayor's actions and possible consequences.
I believe the Mayor will leave office in two years in total disgrace. Justice ultimately prevails here in the land of Oz, and this weasil on nine will not escape unscathed and unpunished.
April is a smart guy and I'm sure he sees the light about Moyes by now.
The real enemy, as you have pointed out in the recent past, is the neocon and heartless bastards that have infected our city government. It is their endless ego schemes that are on the verge of bankrupting Emerald City, not guys like April.
You have temporarily lost your bearings my friend. The real enemy is in city hall not on a rock wall in Harrisville.
Now be a good soldier and apologize to the good physics teacher for being so petulant with him. And please, in the futue don't let your contempt for the contemptable Mr. Moyes spill over to every one who has been in the same room with him.
November is fast approaching and we must remember who the real bad guys are...
Too funny, Ozboy.
When I published this article originally this morning, it closed with the words "wink, wink, nudge, nudge."
I deleted these original words after about ten minutes, thinking at the time that it was an insult to my increasingly more intelligent and perspicacious body of readers.
Oh well!
yosemite, donde vista estede k2 ktall, nosotros tambiene.
Rocky Anderson lovers
This is good....real good. Stan, Ozboy, Rudi, Enthused Citizen, Utmorman, Thomas Luke, Centerville Citizen, Tyler F, EC, Dave D....hail, hail, the gang's all here. And best of all, we haven't had to suffer through the president's stumbling slurs this evening.
April makes a locical argument.
Others also.
Godfrey's done in 2 years, regardless.
Jeeze guys give me a break! First "enthused citizen" had me reaching for the dictionary last night and now your working my lazy butt looking up "perspicacious". Then to top it all off this pesky "anonymous" is going to make me go buy a damn English - Spanish dictionary.
And what the heck has that dipsoid Rocky Anderson got to do with anything? I thought he was off racing bicycles through Italy?
Wrong again Oz boy. Rocky is in Europe saving the world from itself. I think he gave up on us Mo's here in Utah.
Hey Centerville dude - There was a thread here last week or so about your neighbor Owens in Farmington. Check it out I think this site saves everything? Maybe the blog master can tell you how to bring it up?
How'd ya like that word, anyway, Ozboy? If and when I can get a word up on you, my old English profs would be very proud that I took SOMETHING from their classes.
Anonymous needs a better Spanish class, but something there talks about "where we live, K2 lives," meaningless stuff really, but interesting.
Hey Mayor G, how d'ya like our blog? We'd like to see something from you or Rick S, the Council Chair.
I'm still way impressed with the lovely Ms. Wicks earlier post. Amy, will you marry me? I can get a note from my wife--promise I can.
Hmmm, this Owens fellow sounds interesting. Can anyone tell me if he's opposed to the planned mixed development between the Davis County fairgrounds and the Park Lane interchange? Come to think of it, Farmington could probably have its own blog, considering all of the issues there, many of which boil down to the identity struggle between being a rural bedroom community vs. a rapidly growing suburb.
"Centerville also has an RDA that is completely unnecessary. All of the commercial area in our town would have been developed easily just by the demand of our growing population. And how do you redevelop a field? How can a field be a "blighted area?""
Thank you Centerville for contributing to something that Ogden can actually use. You are correct, a field should not be a blighted area. You see, this is one of the main problems I have. Not all RDA is bad.
The Jefferson Mansions are a shining example of the good that can come from RDA's. So are the old warehouses on Wall Ave. that are now vibrant. However, in Utah, there are really only three cities with actual and historic downtowns (Logan, Ogden, SLC). The rest of the state really has a lesser need for an RDA. Some cities, Ogden in particular, really need some help to be redeveloped.
I am aware that RDA's have been given a bad name, especially on this board and especially with our city's Wal-Mart situation. Regardless, I do not believe them to be a totally negative thing (I can feel Rudi loading the gun now).
They have most certainly been used in ways that are not correct. It is obvious to most that a field should not have need of redevelopment, it has not been "developed" in the first place. But again, I believe that places like Ogden really can benefit from correct use of RDA's. I guess what I am saying is that there should be reform, not simply a movement to remove them.
There have been quite a few successfull redevelopment projects in Ogden over the past few years and they really have made the city look like a better place. Living here, I think that sometimes we don't really see the amount of change that has taken place. Say what you will about the Mayor and others, but change has taken place. We elected those folks because we wanted change, now when it happens we seem to kick and scream every step of the way. I will be the first to admit that sometimes things aren't done in maybe the best manner, and that they may not be correct in few or many situations, but the point remains that our city is on its way up. RDA money has played a role in that, so in my mind they can't be straight from Hell as seems to be the point of view of this forum.
Other than 2nd Street can you name me one RDA in Ogden or Utah that has been successfull?
The only reason 2nd Street may be working is that the Army gave the city the base and Boyer is running it. So really it is not an RDA project per sey so it doesn't count in the win or lose column.
RDA's are a scheme manipulated by certain people to enrich themselves and their buddies at the expense of the tax paying public. The only people that ever benifit are Developers, Bond dealers, bankers, lawyers, empire building bureaucrats and other assorted gamers of the system. The public never, and I repeat never, benefits in any tangible way from this scam. The original intent of the RDA laws have been perveted to a fleece the public scheme by a group of immoral manipulators.
Part of the whole BS deal is always to sell the public that somehow they are the beneficiaries of these manipulations. Unfortunately the way it works is complex enough that the public generally buys into the lie because they don't understand how it really works. It is one big complicated shell game and you and I are the losers and the hucksters are the winners. Just like in the traveling carnival.
Interesting points on RDAs. I guess it all depends on what your definition of "blight" is. If you go by a really strict definition, there is no blight in Utah. If you go by a really broad definition, every city in Utah has at least a little bit of blight. If you ask me, the only municipality in the Weber/Davis area that can qualify for having truly blighted areas is Ogden, and I say this in the most respectful way possible (remember, I have deep roots in Ogden). But then again, I'm not as familiar with the entire area as I should be, so someone can correct me if there's somewhere else that has true blight as well.
It's interesting what you said about electing the current city officials in hopes of changing things in Ogden for the better. I'm not an expert on Ogden's political situation, but I do know that often the cure is worse than the disease. I talked with someone in Centerville who was very disillusioned with what had happened during the last two mayoral administrations, and voted for Deamer in hopes that things would get better. Well, they didn't. Many citizens here were upset about a planned town center (interesting that a town named Centerville has no official center) and are now getting a Wal-Mart because they voted in some idiots who made some poor zoning decisions, let alone fired our Community Development Director of almost 10 years. And here in Centerville, a lot of people have a bad case of the "Hey, this guy is our beloved stake president, let's vote him in!" syndrome. Man, local politics can be such a crapshoot.
Centerville dude you can find Owens at the web site I think there is an email link there that will get to him. If not he is at the old heidelberg place and is probably in the phone book. I can't imagine that he would be for that development by the jail if it involves an RDA.
Hey, thanks for the info, Douglas C. It's a pretty neat website.
Tom Owens' website is something isn't it? He bought the old grist mill via a foreclosure auction some years ago and then literally had to "take it back" from the band of vandals and malcontents who had invaded and occupied the buildings and grounds. Over the years he has poured more than a few dollars into the old mill, the mill having been built at the direction of the hierarchy of the LDS Church to help feed the members, restoring it and preserving it. The old Farmington Rock Mill is one of the most significant LDS Historical properties on record and for Owens, a labor of love.
The drive and vision that aided Owens at the old mill site is a common trait shown by Owens on most anything he involves himself in. Whether he's dealing with a tax issue, a Constitutional issue, or a city/town issue, his involvement is one of standards and common sense.
I've known Tom for many years, both as a friend and as a business partner, and his attention to detail, his ethics, and his ability to prevail stand second to none. These same traits are present when he questions the Gang of 6 as to some of their methods of operations. He comes from a place of concern for our city, as he is a native, a neighbor and a property owner. He wants nothing but the best for Ogden.
Speaking for myself, I believe that from what he's observed by watching the actions of the Gang of 6, and understanding the "how's and whys" of a successful undertaking, he's noticed some flaws which have given him concern. His position is to attempt to right some of these wrongs and to hopefully get the Gang o of 6 to take a more detailed, sensible look at the way they operate. Remove the blinders, so to speak.
He can read a Balance Sheet, a P & L, and he understands the need for a business plan and the qualified personel to administer it. He can also spot a shakey foundation from miles away. He possesses the ability to right the listing ship and get it back on course through intellect and common sense and study. If he talks about it, he's adequately researched it.
The Gang of 6, and those politicos in charge in Farmington, would do well to LISTEN to some of his suggestions and or thoughts. All of us need to recognize that we can still learn something from someone, and although Owens may not be the consumate expert on EVERYTHING, he's pretty damn good on that that he does address.
The Rock Mill is a good example and a testament to his character.
Jeeze concerned cititizen, now you got me concerned about what your going to charge me for that more than generous PR piece!
Thanks for the good words but I don't know if I will be able to live up to all that stuff, and I don't know if any of my hats are going to fit anymore.
Oh by the way, your busted! I now know who you are...
Even Me?
Ain't it great....
Hold it. I'm so stunned by your Sherlock Holmes that I forgot my moniker....I think it's "Enthused Citizen," not "Concerned Citizen," but more aptly, tonight it's "Confused Citizen."
Probably will get some "play" on the names, eh?
We all know who you are, Utmorman. But keep those cards and letters coming....
Hey I don't know who he is! Who is he? Utmoman that is. He seems pretty bright and concerned and has been writing some smart stuff here on this blog.
My apologies to enthused citizen. I was so flattered by his "fluff" piece I forgot his moniker! Nobody has said such good things about me since my momma died. I just wish the Mayor and his amigos on the council felt the same about me as ec does.
I think that maybe a couple of them do, Tom O....
Call me....we must "do lunch."
As usual, the City Council had all the answers again tonight. According to them and that David Harmer, everything is just fine. No oil problem, no financial problem, plenty of independant studies have been made, time to buy the River Front proerties, add it to the rec center, and get those tx incriments to friggin work. Not to worry about the infrastructure. Just get the rec enter built and the people at the River out of their homes for more private development. Talk about the American way, huh?
Sounds good to me, I don't see what the problem is?
I think I saw you there ec. Hey I know this great plastic surgeon I'll bet he could really help you out.
I was going to write a post here about having attended a Town Meeting, like Toad Hall recounted, and stating that I did not remember this meeting concerning a recreation center.
Was going to go into detail about what I did remember, and say that I was unaware of any town meetings to discuss the whole site being a recreation center, and ask if anyone else was aware of any happening and I missed them.
I have accessed the Ogden City web page a few times in the past weeks, and I'm quite sure an artist's conception of the recreation center was on the main page. This now has been replaced by a notice of the 2006 budget allocations, (which deserves a thread of its own sometime, I think.)
Anyway, in looking to research the recreation center, the only thing I was able to access under redevelopment or mall was "Mall Vision." This consists of what I remember from the Town Meeting of '02, with artists renderings and descriptions. There is also a map, and on that map a recreation center is plotted in an area consisting of about one sixteenth of the total site.
Here is the link to Mall Vision:
You may have to copy and paste it on your address line if it doesn't translate here.
Somewhere on the Ogden City website, I did find something that was "Proposed Recreation Center," but it was a PDF and try as I might, I couldn't get it to download.
I think there is going to be a vote about this a couple of weeks from now. Maybe they are revitalizing the page or something, but I really think something else should be on there regarding the recreation center concept if that is what the proposal is.
Let me say too, that the Ogden City website is normally a good place to find out about things. The budget message is on there, there are studies about redevelopment strategy, etc., all of which I have found very interesting and informative. Here's the link to it:
The web is such a great way of informing people, and since the city has this resource, I think it should use it in addition to the local media and the notices at the library. After all, the website is something over which it has complete control, and we could all be well informed were it updated in a timely manner.
Anyway, if you'd care to look over the original mall concept, it's there.
Have now found info on mall under the heading "City Council" on the Ogden site. One piece is a one page info sheet---the other is a 150 page PDF download. Just wanted to post that info.
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