You remember the story line... "'Pleasant View lands 500 job meat-packing plant... meanwhile Godfrey fiddles 24/7 with a nit-witted gondola/parkland neoCON 'Welfare to the Wealthy' giveaway scheme that's doomed to be our fair mayor's most extravagant political blunder so far. "
Well now, it seems there's been a little "glitch" even in the well-designed Pleasant View Plan. It would appear, according to this Deseret News article of today's dateline, that the Pleasant View meat-packing plant is as dead in its inception as the turkey carcasses that would have been processed there. Something about "wetlands."
The Standard-Examiner and ace reporter Schwebke are scooped again... as is all to often the case for our so-called home-town newspaper. Oh for the days when The rag from Sanduskey employed and ran the stories of a stable of REAL reporters.
This time the Std-Ex got caught out-to-lunch by the 800 Lb. Gorilla house organ , the Deseret Morning News, and now...the humble plagiarising and copyright infringing Weber County Forum (Proposed Official Motto: The Voice of truth in the face of hegegemous, oppressive and news-monopolist Standard-Examiner)
If Matt Godfrey Godfrey had the sense that God gave a goose, he'd be cancelling this week's personal invitation-only condo-style gondola sales jobs (one per night every night until eternity,) and would start pitching this Iowa meat processing company to consider bringing those five-friggin'-hundred REAL jobs to Ogden city, as the "Plan B" fallback situation.
We'll concede that meat-packing jobs probably ain't all that "Cool & Sexy."
We are old enough to remember though, a recent time in Ogden when Ogden City was famous for meat-packing! One of our sitting City council members even had a good, high-paying job at Swift's during Ogden's "Golden Age," he admits privately.
No crude Cool & Sexy meat-packing jokes please, gentle readers. We're talking about Swift's & Co, and Wilson Meats, plus a few others we temporarily forget.
Godfrey has the opportunity to turn himself from a zero to a hero here. All he needs to do, is bring that plant to Ogden.
Comments are requested.
They are DEMANDED, in fact, in this case.
This is your forum, afterall.
Update 5/10/06 9:41 a.m. MT: One of our gentle readers just posted this 5/4/06 Weber Sentinel News article in the comments section below. It appears that even the Deseret News got seriously scooped on this story. Kudos to the Sentinel News. Many of us are hoping that the Mackleys will one day up the ante, go into daily production, and run the Suits from Sandusky back to the Ohio neoCON haven from whence they came.