A Planning Commission heads-up; and a report on last night's City Council meeting
By Dan Schroeder
Pop quiz: What document from the Ogden City Administration proposes that the Mt. Ogden golf course be redesigned to be more "playable", that the golf clubhouse be relocated to a mixed-use center at the top of 36th Street, and that the trails around the golf course be "enhanced"?
(a) The gondola FAQ, posted in April 2006 and still prominently posted on the city's web site;
(b) The draft of the Mt. Ogden Community Plan, just released and posted right below the gondola FAQ on the city's web site;
(c) Both of the above.
Please, if you have time, take a look at both of these documents and see for yourself. But because the Mt. Ogden Community Plan is scheduled for a public hearing at 7:00 pm tonight (Municipal Building, 2549 Washington, 3rd floor), I'll go ahead and tell you right now that the answer is (c). That's right, the draft Mt. Ogden Community Plan includes three of the same components as the Peterson landgrab "proposal".
To be fair, the Mt. Ogden Community Plan also contains sections that directly contradict the Peterson proposal--like keeping the golf course and adjacent park lands as open space. So maybe the Plan isn't using the words "playable" and "enhance" in the same Orwellian senses as the landgrab proposal. But the Plan certainly doesn't define these words, and I'm at a loss to guess what they're actually intended to mean.
I urge all Mt. Ogden Community residents (east of Harrison, from 26th to WSU) to attend tonight's hearing and tell the Planning Commission what changes you would like to see in the Plan. One word of advice, though: Don't mention the Peterson landgrab. If you do, they won't listen to you. Argue for or against the components of the Plan on their own merits (or lack thereof), and based on what residents said they wanted during the public input meetings.
Meanwhile, at last night's City Council work session, planning director Greg Montgomery pulled out all the stops and put on a terrific show to explain why the Council should disregard the recommendation of the Planning Commission and eliminate Ogden's prohibition against building on slopes steeper than 30% (as well as the density limits on somewhat shallower slopes in the foothills). In his heroic effort he received considerable support from Councilman Safsten (who repeatedly described the current limits as "arbitrary and capricious") and Councilman Stephenson, as well as from development director Dave Harmer who was sitting in front of me in the bleachers.
Here is Ace Reporter Scott Schwebke's report on the work session.
During the two-hour discussion there was only one mention, by Councilwoman Van Hooser, of the elephant (named Peterson) in the room. I'd encourage Rudi to give her a WCF tip o' the hat for her courage.
As Schwebke says, the Council took no action. More specifically, they agreed to give the Planning Commission a chance to clarify its recommendation regarding hillside development before they proceed. This may have been appropriate, because the Planning Commission has expressed a desire to make further changes to the city's foothill zoning ordinances, perhaps moving the slope/density restrictions out of the Sensitive Area Overlay Zone ordinance and into a new base zone for foothill residential areas.
Coming back to the elephant in the room, unfortunately it seems to be alive and well--despite Rudi's obituary last month. On Monday I had a private conversation with the mayor and although I was trying to keep the subject focused on points that we could agree on (regarding transit), he kept bringing up the "gondola project". He gave no specifics on how the proposal might change in light of WSU's position. He gave no hint regarding when we'll even hear any more specifics. But he made it absolutely clear that this project is still his number-one priority.
Editor's Addendum: By all means, Dan. A Weber County Tip O' the Hat to councilwoman Van Hooser! She's proven to be a very quick study. She has mastered her council role in record time, we think, and has demonstrated that she's one of the most intelligent, thoughtful and courageous members of our Emerald City council. Her strong leadership skills are also undeniable; and we do hope she'll be throwing her hat into the ring for election to her at-large "A" council seat this year.
And speaking of the wonderful Emerald City council, don't miss our latest city council report, wherein Curmudgeon skillfully details the events of last night's council meeting.
We thank Dan Schroeder and Curmudgeon for this morning's most excellent Weber County Forum contributions.
Don't let the cat get your tongues, oh ye ever-gentle readers.