Saturday, May 03, 2008

Knuckle Dragger Nominated Again in Senate District 10

West Jordon District Senate 10 GOP rednecks nominate Chris Buttars once more

Breaking news from the Salt Lake Tribune:

"Buttars wins GOP nomination"

Read the shocking opening paragraphs below:

SANDY - Sen. Chris Buttars, who roiled the last legislative session with his "black baby" comment, has captured the Republican nomination against three intraparty challengers.
Buttars barely escaped a primary contest with the strongest of his rivals, Gary Armstrong. The two-term incumbent now goes on to face Democrat John Rendell in the November general election.
Armstrong did not challenge the discarding of a spoiled ballot even though, had it been added to his total, would have been him over the 40 percent mark to force a run-off.
But he expressed bitter disappointment at the race's outcome
"Our district can't survive four more years of Chris Buttars. I will support the Democrat," said Armstrong.
"I'm very surprised the delegates drank the Kool-Aid," he added. "I'm disappointed they have that little concern for the district."
In the event that any there's any doubt whether a dumbed-down facsimile of the recent spokesmen for GEICO Insurance lives and thrives in the caves of Jordan, Utah, all doubt should be resolved, with the 2008 nomination in today's SLC GOP Convention of a living neanderthal as the GOP banner-bearer in Utah's Senate 10 District.

From this point on, ALL Utah GOP candidates will bear the burden of having Chris Buttars as a co-runner on the greater Utah GOP ticket.

Good news for Democrats; extremely bad news for sane Utah Republicans, we believe.

Sad though this is for Utah Republicans, this development creates ample opportunities for our friends who'll be running as Democrats across the state. Perhaps this truly is a golden opportunity for Utah voters -- Republicans and Democrats alike -- to fix the many problems in the Utah legislature.

Many of us in the Utah GOP are now counting on YOU.

As defeated GOP District 10 convention challenger Gary Armstrong said:

"Our district can't survive four more years of Chris Buttars. I will support the Democrat."

And what say our gentle readers about THIS?

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