Everyone but Sen. Clinton knows it is over. Everyone is busy with post-game analysis of why she lost. But the reason is so obvious that it is staring us in the face. Even the best analysis, from Karen Tumulty, does not mention it, perhaps because it is too obvious.
Daily Kos
Why Clinton Lost: The Reason Nobody is Talking About
May 10, 2008
Excellent article and political analysis from Saturday's Daily Kos. Here's the gist from Saturday's article:
Fake mavericks like McCain rolled over and played nice. Sen. Clinton fully expected the Primary for Democratic nomination in 2008 to be a coronation: the real attacks would come from Republicans in the General Elections. So she was looking to the right and not the left as she made her decision. She made a crucial decision risking the lives of thousands of soldiers based on a mere political calculation.We confess we've been watching with a sort of morbid fascination as Hillary Clinton plods onward during the waning days remaining prior to the Democratic National Nominating Convention, under circumstances in which it seems obvious to everybody but Hillary that she's a political "dead woman walking."
Sooner or later however, we were bound to get around to a political post-mortem examination on the subject of the failure of the Clinton campaign; and Saturday's Daily Kos article takes a step in that direction, proffering what we believe to be a very interesting hypothesis.
Read the full article here; and then don't forget to come back with your comments.