Interesting reader discussion developing over on Charlie Trentleman's Blogging the Rambler blog, under Monday's article title, "A Monday Morning rant." Our own gentle reader Dan S. takes the Standard-Examiner to task midway down the reader comments section, for burying the Envision Ogden Campaign Contribution Money Laundering story, just as troubling issues related to Mayor Godfrey's involvement in Envision Ogden's Salomon Center 2007 campaign fundraiser were laid squarely in the Standard-Examiner's lap. Managing editor Andy Howell has even become involved in the discussion, wherein he defends the newspaper's non-coverage of this aspect of the story under the rationale of legitimate "news judgment, resource committment and space considerations." Gentle Reader Dan expresses his differing view, of course.
This is a developing discussion, we believe, that's well worth checking out:
• "A Monday Morning Rant"Who knows? Perhaps a few of our readers will want to mosey on over to Charlie's most excellent blog to offer their own ever-gentle comments.
Stranger things have happened on otherwise slow news days in the Emerald City blogosphere.