Friday, March 21, 2014

Pre-convention Candidate Overview: A Glimpse of How Weber County's 2014 Election Candidate Pool is Shaping Up

Added bonus: A tantalizing chance to change the Ogden School Board balance of power within the span of one single year

There's important new information coming from the Standard-Examiner this morning, as we eagerly embark upon the 2014 General Election season. Here's the intriguing lede from this morning's story, a joint collaboration of journeyman S-E reporters Bryon Saxton, Tim Gurrister and Cathy McKitrick, who report, among other things, that we'll have a brand-new Weber County Attorney by January, 2015:
Weber County's lone elected Democrat -- County Attorney Dee Smith -- has chosen not to seek re-election. But Deputy County Attorney Chris Allred, a Republican who has worked in the County Attorney's office for 17 years, filed earlier this week and attracted a last-minute GOP challenger -- South Ogden resident Rick Westmoreland -- who filed shortly before 5 p.m. Thursday.
Check out this morning's full Standard-Examiner writeup, for a brief overview of how Weber County's 2014 Election candidate pool is shaping up, a month or so prior to the April party nominating conventions:
And thanks to Weber County Clerk Ricky Hatch, here's the full "official" list of all candidates who beat Thursday's candidate filing deadline, and will be "jockeying" for slots on our  2014 Weber County General Election ballots:
Additionally, the Standard provides this tantalizing morning news tidbit, indicating that those Ogdenites who are unhappy (and who isn't) with the malperformance of our current Ogden School Board,  now have a chance to change the balance of power on that "bumbling" public administrative body, all within the span of one single year:
We thus invite you all to check out the above links, and check into our comments section to let us know what you think.

Don't let the cat get yer tongues...

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