Friday, May 21, 2010

Standard-Examiner Editorial: Utah's Concealed Weapons Classes Stress Safety, Defense

Former Ogden City Councilwoman now safely "packs heat," due to a disturbing incident after a city council meeting

By Dorrene Jeske

There was a very good editorial by Doug Gibson this morning, regarding the "Concealed Weapons" training classes being conducted by Representative Curt Oda and his team:
Oda: Utah's concealed weapons classes stress safety, defense
As an attendee and graduate of one of Rep. Oda’s Concealed Weapons Training classes, I want to confirm that the classes are conducted as he describes. I took the class more for the education than for obtaining the license because owning a firearm was frightening to me. After taking the class and a disturbing incident after a city council meeting, I decided I wanted the CWP and a small pistol.

During the class which was over six hours long, we had the opportunity to learn some self-defense strategies, how to safely handle a firearm and a chance to shoot one on the shooting range “to get the feel” of a gun. Different types of hand guns were available to handle and shoot.

The responsibility of owning a gun was drilled into us and was so impressive that I wondered if I really wanted that responsibility with the legal consequences.

Years ago when my boys wanted to own guns, I attended the “Hunters Safety” classes with them. Both classes offer excellent training in the safe handling of guns and I heartily support them.

I want to thank Rep. Oda for the opportunity to attend one of his concealed weapons classes and for the self-defense training we received. It was because of this training that I had the confidence to purchase a small Lady Wesson 38 caliber hand gun. Along with the training though, one must practice shooting his/her gun and become comfortable with it. Also, Rep. Oda has offered the graduates of his classes, the invitation to attend another class to refresh the training concepts. Thank you, Rep. Oda for providing such excellent training!

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