By Dorrene Jeske
There was a very good editorial by Doug Gibson this morning, regarding the "Concealed Weapons" training classes being conducted by Representative Curt Oda and his team:
• Oda: Utah's concealed weapons classes stress safety, defenseAs an attendee and graduate of one of Rep. Oda’s Concealed Weapons Training classes, I want to confirm that the classes are conducted as he describes. I took the class more for the education than for obtaining the license because owning a firearm was frightening to me. After taking the class and a disturbing incident after a city council meeting, I decided I wanted the CWP and a small pistol.
During the class which was over six hours long, we had the opportunity to learn some self-defense strategies, how to safely handle a firearm and a chance to shoot one on the shooting range “to get the feel” of a gun. Different types of hand guns were available to handle and shoot.
The responsibility of owning a gun was drilled into us and was so impressive that I wondered if I really wanted that responsibility with the legal consequences.
Years ago when my boys wanted to own guns, I attended the “Hunters Safety” classes with them. Both classes offer excellent training in the safe handling of guns and I heartily support them.