Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Request for Proposal Clarification for the Design of a Sports Facility to be Possibly Built in Ogden City

Some good questions... some not so good answers

Submitted by: RFP Reader

Looks like there is an addendum to the RFP sent out by the city.

Here's the gist from the Ogden City website:
Request for Proposal Clarification for the Design of a Sports Facility to be possibly built Ogden City
February 1, 2011
Q. What format is the fee to be? Fixed, hourly?
A. It is up to the applicant to propose a fee schedule. It is anticipated that work will be done based on individual task orders, so that time can be tracked and accounted for. If payment is approved, it would be made based on the hours spent under the approved task orders. An applicant could, if it desired, submit a proposal using a fixed fee schedule with a certain number of hours. Such a proposal would be evaluated on its own merits, although individual task orders would still be issued to control the work. The applicant should review the proposal documents in their entirety to determine how it wishes to structure its fee proposal.
Q. What scope/size of the project do we use for determining our fee as the range of the building is from 150,000 SF to 300,000 SF... a range of 100%.
A. The final size will depend on a number of factors that are not yet resolved. It is likely that the size will in the range of 225,000 s.f. to 250,000 s.f., but depending on how land or other issues are resolved, the facility may be larger or smaller. Please refer to the previous answer for any other question about how to determine a fee.
Q. Will there be a short list for interviews or selection?
A. It is unknown at this time whether interviews will be conducted. It will likely depend on the number and quality of proposals submitted.
Q. Who will be making the selection? Is there a selection committee?
A. There will be a selection committee. I believe it will have five members.
Q. What connection is there with this RFP in relation to the design work that has been completed by Dan Van Zeben?
A. Although the work may build on the work previously done by Mr. Van Zeben, the project may also require new or different programming depending on the need for alternative designs as the process moves forward. The RFP documentation indicated that multiple iterations of the work may be required.
Some good questions... some not so good answers.

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