Friday, February 15, 2013

Salt Lake Tribune Editorial: Swallow Must Go

An invitation to roll up your sleeves and actively engage in the political process, by affixing your electronic signatures to one or both of the petitions below 

For those readers breathlessly following the white-hot John Swallow attempted bribery scandal, here's the latest from the Salt Lake Tribune, another scathing editorial pulling no punches and demanding Swallow's immediate resignation. "The professional reputation and political capital of Attorney General John Swallow have been so severely damaged that it is hard to see how he can effectively carry out the duties of his office," sez the Trib editorial board... and that's just the tip of the editorial iceburg, so to speak. Read up, folks:
At least one Trib reader boils it all down nicely, wethinks:
Even if we give Swallow the benefit of the doubt that he did nothing illegal, he still was either incompetent or stupid enough to do things that looked bad. Simply put, a man in his position should have known better.  And, not knowing better shows a weakness and vulnerability we don't need in an AG.
And for those WCF readers who'd like to hasten the result which this morning's Trib editorial strongly urges, we submit for our readers' perusal not one, but two online petitions aimed at nudging Mr. Swallow into doing "the right thing," O Gentle Ones:
So once again, as we've done many times with many other issues in the past, we urge you all to roll up your sleeves and actively engage in the political process, by affixing your electronic signatures to one or both of the above petitions, folks.

It can't hurt and might help, as far as we're concerned. 

Looks like a "no-brainer" to us.

1 comment:

Question said...

Can we get Dee Smith in now?

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