We have had some biased reporting, But maybe worse than that, lazy efforts of the (Standard-Examiner) editorial board have been laughable at best.
County Commissioner Kerry Gibson
In 'State of the County' speech, Gibson attacks Standard-Examiner
April 8, 2014
In 'State of the County' speech, Gibson attacks Standard-Examiner
April 8, 2014
Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.
Ebert will be the next commissioner. There is no Democratic Party candidate in the race. The responsibility lies with Weber County voters to keep an eye on these three guys, and make sure they initiate no shenanigans to hijack the majority of Weber County residents in regards to the library bond. If they try to tailor it to the wishes of a few -- say about almost 400 -- voters, speak up loudly, and make sure they don't get away with it.
By: Blackrulon:
The Standard-Examiner has just published an editioral opinion on the 2014 Weber County Republican convention outcome:.
It will be fascinating to see if Mssrs. Bell, Ebert and Gibson continue to pick a fight with the local newspaper, yes?