Moderate on moral social issues? Who knew?
Interesting Deseret News Sunday interview with Weber County's own "turncoat Democrat" State Senator Stuart Reid, who's following through with his 2010 campaign pledge, and will be retiring from the state legislature upon completion of one single term of office:
Among other things, Senator Reid expands upon his earlier-expressed theory that, with the passage of Senator Curt Bramble's SB 54, we'll soon be witnessing the death of the Utah Democratic Party, and the emergence of two factions in the Republican Party, i.e., a "caucus-convention faction and signature-gathering faction," which will [henceforth] "essentially make up the two parties in the state of Utah."
In an intriguing sidebar note, Reid characterizes himself as "conservative on fiscal issues and moderate on moral social issues," prompting the sodden question:
Who knew?
Gotta say Reid had us completely fooled.
Illuminating interview, wethinks, all-in-all.