Monday, November 14, 2005

Kangaroo Courts Redux

It's "crunch time," gentle Weber County Forum readers. Our "lame-duck" " Ogden Gang of Six, aware that the last of the "visionary and probably hallicinatory(?) sand" is now draining from the neocon-statist hourglass, is rushing as many big borrowing/big spending "bills" to the city council front-burner as possible.

The latest is this: Kangaroo Courts.

The following is from the pen of the most excellent John Wright, whose article of this morning has mysteriously and stingily failed to appear in today's online Standard-Examiner edition. Here's more WCF red meat on the whole Kangaroo Court Concept, which actually "sucks," I think.

How nice it is for Ogden city to have its own revenue-raising police force to write citations, along with its own Kangaroo Kourt to bleed us all dry by enforcing them. What a perfect business model for the perfect business enterprise.


How dumb are Ogden City citizens? NOT THAT dumb, I suspect.

Is a justice court a "cash cow" or not? The dopes at city hall can't seem to keep their stories straight.

My guess? It'll be a cash cow; and the underprivileged will pay for it.

This Ogden City Kangaroo Kourt Koncept is just another thing that now needs to be ethically "put off." The fewer burdens the Gang-of-Six lay on the new 2006 council -- the better.

Amongst the Gang of six, Lame Duck Jorgenson, was originally elected on a campaign lie.

Lame Duck Filiaga, who seemed to have had a functioning brain in his head as recently as January, 2000, (when he voted against reducing the city's options by tearing down the Old Mall,) seems to have had a "health lapse" of some kind. Gee whiz. A "stroke?" How many brain cells were wiped-out with that event?

Lame Duck Burdett, of course, who was appointed as a councilperson, at the suggestion of the "little mayor," -- and was NEVER even elected by the people -- has thus privately expressed her "fealty" to the "people" who appointed her, who are NOT the "people" she's supposed to represent.

Yet this pack of morally and physically-corrupt morons will be legally entitled to bind us financially for the next 20-25 years.

America -- what a country!

John Wright's excellent Standard-Examiner (Std-Ex motto: All the news that's fit to sell) story warns about the latest money-grubbing scheme. Yes, gentle readers. Tomorrow night's City Council session will consider... Kangaroo Courts as an infinitely-profitable city revenue source.

"Read all about it," as street newspaperboys used to say on the Ogden city streets back in my daddy's day...

And get ready for NEW Kangaroo Court "user fees."

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