Once again, the time-tested axiom proves true: If you want to know what's going on in The Wonderful Land of Oz, read the Salt Lake Tribune.
Kristen Moulton scoops the Standard-Examiner as per usual, with this morning's very informative and timely story. Among other things, the article reports that the Emerald City council has propounded a few questions for wannabe-developer Chris Peterson -- 184 to be exact. Here's an excerpt from Kristen's article:
A Weber County Forum tip o' the hat to Council Director Bill Cook, and also to his very capable and hard-working staff. We understand that these people have been working feverishly for months, meeting and coordinating with the various governmental decision-makers who will be called upon to review this "project;" and we are encouraged to see some of the fruits of their efforts. And wonder of wonders, all this information has been made available to we lumpentownsfolk on Boss Godfrey's own Emerald City/Gondolist propaganda website, leaving us to ponder how ever the council may have obtained Boss Godfrey's permission to post such useful information -- and such probing questions.The Ogden City Council has come up with a plan - as well as list of 184 questions -- for handling the massive development project proposed for the city's east side.
In a document released Friday, the council details all the decisions likely to be required of it, along with decisions by the city's Planning Commission, the Utah Department of Transportation, Utah Transit Authority, Weber State University and other governmental entities such as Weber County and the Wasatch-Cache National Forest.
"This is basically our attempt to outline for the public what the public process could be, said Amy Wicks, council vice chair.
Among the long list of questions are those that have flooded into City Hall since developer Chris Peterson of Sandy began sharing, during public forums last spring, his east-bench hopes.
And what say our gentle readers?
Does it appear that our council is on the right track?
Update 8/29/06 11:33 a.m. MT: A full three days post-publication of Kristen Moulton's above-linked story, the local BDO-based fish-wrap producer which poses as our home-town newspaper breaches its recent gondola news blackout, and finally gets around to reporting on the council's 184 questions. "Better late than never," we suppose. "Yesterday's news today," we guess.