Wednesday, August 23, 2006

WCF Housekeeping Note

Regular Weber County Forum readers will note a few changes in our display format this morning. Most notable of these is our reversion to a pop-up comments page, which can be expanded to full screen size, for more efficient viewing of some of our gentle readers' more long-winded comments.

We are also revising our entire "layout" template, to accomodate upgrading to Blogger/Google's new software release, which we intend to implement over the coming weekend.

Although we expect a few speedbumps over the next few days (the new upgrade is still a beta version,) the new software contains many enhancements which will significantly improve Weber County Forum's technical performance.

Among other things, you may expect some interruptions in comments functionality over the next few days; but please be assured that such problems will be only intermittent and temporary.

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