"Will Ticket For Food" - Click to enlarge image
By Rudizink
We've received numerous reader inquiries via email on the subject of yesterday's Boss Godfrey press conference, requesting more information on this event. Weber County Forum registered a near-record number of page loads yesterday, so it's obvious that many gentle readers are attentively following developments in the the ongoing Vangate/Quotagate saga.
In the interest of keeping our readers abreast of the most recent developments on this topic, we link two print media articles, appearing in today's Salt Lake Tribune and Standard-Examiner, respectively.
Kristen Moulton provides a nice fact summary, together with useful background information in this article; and Scott Schwebke contributes the Standard-Examiner's two-cents here.
We'll leave it up to our gentle readers to analyze, compare and discuss the versions of the facts presented in these two articles.
Let us continue the discussion here.
We offer our thanks, BTW, to gentle reader Trueogdenlover, who helpfully furnishes today's most excellent graphic header.
We've been vacillating between the terms Vangate and Quotagate, but don't consider ourselves to be married to either of these descriptions. Reader suggestions are welcome on this subject. Just what kind of "gate" is this story anyway? Who knows? Perhaps we can start up a dark humor version of last year's "Name the Mall" contest.
Comments (or suggestions,) anyone?
Update 8/10/06 8:47 a.m. MT: The Godfreygate disaster continues to unfold, with another article in the Standard-Examiner, and yet another on the KSL website.
Although several city councilmembers are reportedly feeling warm and fuzzy about Boss Godfrey's referral of this bag of snakes to Mark Decaria's office, the gentle viwers in KSL Newsland ain't buying Godfrey's spin at all.
Update 8/10/06 12:24 p.m. MT: Gentle reader Dian now brings this fact-illuminating Brandy A. Lee article to our attention, in the comments section below. A WCF hat tip both Deseret Morning News reporter Brandy Lee, and to our always-alert & gentle reader Dian, who seems to have been especially on-the-ball in finding all the good stuff this morning.
Don't let the cat get your tongues.