Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weekend Open Thread

By Rudizink

Once again "red-meat" news items trickle to a standstill this weekend in and around Emerald City, as always seems to be the circumstance during the waning weekends of August. Having this morning thoroughly searched local media sources in vain for some nutritional news morsel to satisfy our gentle readers' intellectual cravings, we once again turn to our gentle readers to set the tone, with this new weekend open thread. We confess that we do this with some trepidation, inasmuch as we already have a fairly robust discussion going under our previous article. By no means do we wish to cut that excellent Curt Geiger-inspired discussion short. Nevertheless, we believe that the ongoing discussion may be growing unwieldy now that 50+ comments have been registered, so we offer this fresh page-space now for our gentle readers' latest rants and ruminations.

What's on your minds this weekend, gentle readers? You may carry on the previous discussion here, or start up something entirely brand-new.

Your blogmeister will be out and about for the balance of the weekend, so we ask the last one here to please turn out the lights.

And a quick note to the moron troll who's been posting the now-deleted flames from his Sprint PCS mobile device: Rudi has duly recorded your IP address, and STRONGLY advizes that you read our WCF Comments Posting Policy... and behave yourself henceforth and forthwith.

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