Fine Standard-Examiner guest editorial this morning by Weber County Forum regular Dan Schroeder, written in his capacity as a Sierra Club volunteer:
• Ogden's transit choicesDan gets right down to business and efficiently enlightens the Standard's general readership about the various options which are on the table as the Ogden Lumpencitizens and state bureaucrats engage in the "robust (and extended) debate over Ogden's transit future," and also notes the troubling stalemate which has developed in recent months:
At this time the planning process has stalled. UTA has been meeting privately with elected officials, trying to convince them to support the 36th Street alignment. A year has passed since the last public meetings were held. Nobody has attempted to bring all the stakeholders together for frank, honest negotiations.Sadly, our percipient Streetcar Project has been mostly stalled for much longer than that, as far as we're concerned. In point of fact, both the Godfrey Administration and state bureaucrats have been dragging their feet on this project since clear back in 2005, when the Baker Study was completed.
We don't know how to break up the planning logjam. Perhaps our gentle readers can come up with some good ideas. Perhaps the City Council can take the lead on this.
One thing we do know for sure... we are heading for our day of reckoning, as cheaply recoverable oil becomes much more scarce:
It would be nice to have local public transit options available, wethinks... before the oil runs out.
Ogden City Council Members... are you listening?